while. If preferred, oil may be substituted for the cream. The whites of the eggs should be used for garnishing the salad.
Average Cost.—5d. or 6d.
2447.—SALAD DRESSING. (Another way.)
Ingredients.—½ a tablespoonful of boiled potato, 1 tablespoonful of salad-oil or thick cream, ½ a tablespoonful of vinegar, 1 saltspoonful of sugar, 1 saltspoonful of salt, ¼ of a saltspoonful of pepper.
Method.—Mix the potato, sugar, salt and pepper smoothly together, add the oil gradually, and when perfectly smooth stir in the vinegar, drop by drop, and use as required.
Average Cost.—2d.
Ingredients.—4 tablespoonfuls of cream, 1 tablespoonful of vinegar, ½ a teaspoonful of made mustard, 1 saltspoonful of castor sugar, ½ a saltspoonful of salt.
Method.—Mix the mustard, salt and sugar smoothly together, stir in the cream, add the vinegar, drop by drop, and use as required.
Average Cost. 6d.
Ingredients.—The yolks of 3 hard-boiled eggs, the yolks of 2 raw eggs, 5 tablespoonfuls of salad-oil, 2 tablespoonfuls of thick cream, 1 dessertspoonful each of finely-chopped onion, chervil, and chives, 1 teaspoonful of salt, ¼ of a teaspoonful of pepper.
Method.—Bruise the hard-boiled yolks of eggs, with a wooden spoon, mix with them the salt and pepper, add the raw yolks of eggs, and stir until thick and perfectly smooth. Stir in, drop by drop, first the salad-oil and then the vinegar, and when ready to use, add the cream, onion, chervil, and chives. The whites of the eggs should be added to the salad; the raw whites might be poached, and used as garnishing.
Average Cost.—About 1s. 6d.
Ingredients.—4 tablespoonfuls of salad-oil, 2 tablespoonfuls of tarragon vinegar, 1 teaspoonful of chopped pickled gherkin, ½ a teaspoonful of finely-chopped shallots, ½ a teaspoonful of finely-chopped parsley, 1 saltspoonful of salt, ¼ of a saltspoonful of pepper.
Method.—Mix the above ingredients well together, and use as required.
Average Cost. 8d.