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Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/1480

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creamy, and put it into a paper cone. Place 1 egg on each round of bread and butter, and keep it in place by forcing some of the butter round the egg. Garnish with chopped aspic and salad. Variety may be introduced by using Montpelier or anchovy butter.

Time.—½-hour. Average Cost of eggs, 6d. each. Sufficient, allow 1 for each person.

3069.—SCOTCH EGGS. (Fr.Ouefs Écossaise.)

Ingredients.—3 hard-boiled eggs, ½ a lb. of sausage meat, 1 egg, breadcrumbs, frying-fat, 6 croûtes of fried bread.

Method.—Let the eggs become quite cold, remove the shells, and cover each one completely with sausage meat. Coat them carefully with beaten egg and breadcrumbs, and fry in hot fat until nicely browned. Cut each egg in half, dish them out side upwards on the croûtes of fried bread, besprinkled with chopped parsley, and serve either hot or cold.

Time.—¾-hour. Average Cost, 1s. Sufficient for 6 persons.

3070.—SCRAMBLED EGGS WITH GREEN PEA PURÉE. (Fr.Ouefs à la St. Germaine.)

Ingredients.—6 eggs, ⅓ of a pint of green pea purée, 1½ ozs. of butter, 1 tablespoonful of either white or brown sauce, 2 tablespoonfuls of milk, salt, pepper and chopped parsley.

Method.—Obtain the purée by passing cooked green peas through a fine sieve, place it in a stewpan, add ½ an oz. of butter, the sauce and seasoning to taste, and make thoroughly hot. Melt the remainder of the butter in another stewpan, add the eggs, previously beaten, seasoned to taste, and mixed with the milk, and stir over the fire until the mixture is sufficiently cooked. Place the green pea purée in six well-buttered ramakin cases, fill them with the egg mixture, sprinkle with parsley and serve.

Time.—About ½ an hour. Average Cost, 1s. 5d. Sufficient for 6 persons. Seasonable at any time.