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Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/1732

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etc., but they have also a great weakness for small birds, a taste probably hand d down from remote ages.

The kid, as in France, is very popular; it is dressed like lamb, the brains, sweetbread and tongue all constituting delicate dishes.

Of fruit and vegetables there is an abundance. Grapes, peaches, apricots, etc., may be had at a trifling cost, but although freshly gathered, they possess little flavour, probably because they ripen more rapidly than English-grown fruit.

Typical Italian Dishes

3711.—ARTICHOKES "ALLA MILANAISE." (Fr.Artichauts à la Milanaise.)

Ingredients.—Globe artichokes, Parmesan cheese, butter.

Method.—Remove the stalks and hard leaves, place the artichokes in slightly salted boiling water, boil gently until half cooked, and drain them well. Arrange them in a single layer in a fireproof baking-dish, pour over them some oiled butter, sprinkle liberally with grated cheese, and cover closely. Cook very gently in the oven until done, then serve with oiled butter, or any suitable sauce.

Time.—About 1 hour. Average Cost, 4d. to 6d. each. Sufficient, allow 1 to each person. Seasonable from January to April.


Ingredients.—Asparagus, fresh eggs, butter, grated Parmesan cheese, salt and pepper.

Method.—Wipe, wash and trim the asparagus, boil it gently until three-quarters cooked, and drain well. When ready, place it in an earthenware dish, pour over it 2 or 3 tablespoonfuls of oiled butter, and sprinkle thickly with grated Parmesan cheese. Season with a little salt and pepper, and cook in a moderately hot oven until well browned. Meanwhile, separate the yolks of eggs from the whites, taking care to keep them whole, and fry them in hot butter, drain free from fat, place them round the asparagus, and serve.

Time.—About 45 minutes. Average Cost, asparagus 4s. to 10s. per 100. Sufficient, allow 1 egg and 10 heads of asparagus to each person. Seasonable from January to July.


Ingredients.—2 aubergines (egg-plant), butter, breadcrumbs, salt and pepper.