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Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/2133

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most cases there is some bronchitis attending this complaint, shown by the hurried breathing and rise of temperature, and by the rattling noises over the chest.

Treatment.—In all cases it is best for the child to be kept in the house as soon as the malady has declared itself; in a very mild case it need not be kept in bed, but it should be in a room of warm and even temperature, and protected from draught; it can then be allowed to play about as it likes. If there is any lung affection, it must be put to bed and treated according to the requirements of the case. Other children must not be allowed to come near it, unless they have had an attack previously, in order that its spreading may be prevented. The child must be fed in the usual way, but solid food should be given sparingly, and the stomach must not be over-loaded, as vomiting is often a symptom. Steel wine is very valuable in cases of whooping-cough, and more especially when there is no fever and during convalescence; it may also stop the diarrhœa, which is now and then present. Numberless remedies have been tried for whooping-cough, but as many of them are powerful and require careful watching, they ought only to be given under medical direction. Some sweet mucilaginous fluid may be given, such as the mucilage of gum acacia mixed with glycerine, in the proportion of 1 teaspoonful of the latter to 1 tablespoonful of the former; a teaspoonful of this being given to a child 3 or 4 years old 3 or 4 times a day. A cresolene lamp has often a good effect, or a little pure carbolic acid may be put in a saucer over a nightlight. Warm clothing should be worn; and during convalescence a nourishing diet, moderate exercise in the open air when fine, a tepid bath in the morning, and a tonic, such as steel wine or cod-liver oil, are enjoined. A visit to the seaside, seven weeks from the onset, will frequently complete a cure.

Worms principally affecting children are of two kinds the small threadworms, usually seen in large numbers, and causing great irritation, and the larger round worm, generally seen singly, and which is of about the same size and shape as the common earthworm.

Worms are the torment of some children; the symptoms are an unnatural craving for food, even after a full meal; costiveness, suddenly followed by looseness; fetid breath, a livid circle under the eyes, enlarged abdomen, and picking the nose; for which the remedies must be prescribed by the doctor, but sugar preserves and green vegetables must be avoided in the diet.

Quarantine.—The following table will be useful to parents, as showing how soon after an attack of infectious disease or exposure to infection a child may return to school without risk to himself or others.