Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/281

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Ingredients.—2 sheeps' brains, ¾ of a pint of liquor in which the heads were cooked, 1½ ozs. of butter, 1½ ozs. of flour, 1 small onion chopped, 1 teaspoonful of vinegar, salt and pepper.

Method.—Wash and soak the brains in salt and water. Tie them in muslin, and cook them until firm in the pot containing the sheeps' heads. Melt the butter in a stewpan, add the flour, cook it slowly until lightly browned, then put in the onion, and continue to cook slowly until the whole acquires a nut-brown colour. Add the pot-liquor, vinegar, salt and pepper to taste, simmer gently for 10 minutes, then stir in the brains previously coarsely-chopped, and serve poured over the prepared heads, or separately.

Time.—Altogether, 1 hour. Average Cost, 2d., in addition to the brains.

229.—BRETONNE SAUCE. (Fr.Sauce Bretonne.)

Ingredients.—¾ of a pint of brown sauce, 1 tablespoonful of haricot purée, 1 onion sliced, ½ an oz. of butter, salt and pepper.

Method.—Melt the butter, fry the onion until well-browned, add the haricot purée and brown sauce, and bring to the boil. Season to taste, simmer for 5 minutes, then pass through a fine strainer or tammy cloth, re-heat, and use as required.

Time.—From 25 to 30 minutes. Average Cost, 8d.

230.—BROWN CAPER SAUCE. (Fr.Sauce aux Câpres Brunes.) (For Steak, Kidneys, Fish.)

Ingredients.—½ a pint of Espagnole sauce, or brown sauce, 1 teaspoonful of vinegar, 1 teaspoonful of essence of anchovy, 1 tablespoonful of capers cut in two, 1 small onion very finely-chopped, cayenne, the juice of half a lemon.

Method.—Put the sauce, vinegar, essence of anchovy and onion into a saucepan, boil, simmer for 10 minutes, and strain. Return to the saucepan, and when quite hot add the cayenne, lemon-juice and capers and serve.

Time.—About 20 minutes. Average Cost, 11d.

231.—BROWN MUSHROOM SAUCE. (Fr.Sauce aux Champignons [Brune].)

Ingredients.—8 preserved mushrooms, ½ a gill of the liquor, ½ a gill of sherry, ½ a gill of thin Espagnole sauce.