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690.—WHITING, BOILED. (Fr.Merlan bouilli.)

Ingredients.—Whiting, salt.

Method.—Clean the fish, but do not skin them. Have ready sufficient warm water to cover them, salt it slightly, put in the fish, bring gently to the boil, and simmer for 7 or 8 minutes (if small). Drain well, serve on a folded napkin, garnish with parsley, and serve with a suitable sauce.

Time.—7 or 8 minutes for small whiting. Average Cost, 3d. to 9d. each. Allow 1 small whiting for each person. Seasonable all the year, but from October to March.

The Whiting (Fr. merlan).—This well-known fish belongs to the cod family, but is destitute of the barbule seen in the cod and haddock. Its flesh is the most delicate and palatable of any fish of its tribe. The body of the whiting is compressed, and the upper jaw projects beyond the lower. It is a smaller fish, and of a more elegant shape than the haddock; its average weight is 1½lb. The whiting is caught in abundance on the British coasts and in the northern European seas.

691.—WHITING, BROILED. (Fr.Merlan Grillé.)

Ingredients.—Whiting, a little oil or butter.

Method.—Wash, and thoroughly dry the fish. Brush them over with a little oil or melted butter, and broil over a clear fire.

Time.—From 6 to 8 minutes, for a small whiting. Average Cost, 3d. to 9d. each. Allow, 1 small whiting for each person. Seasonable all the year.

To Choose Whiting.—Choose for the firmness of its flesh, and the silvery hue of its apperance.

The Pollack (Fr. Merlan).—Like the pout, the pollack bears a strong resemblance to the whiting. It is a gregarious fish and swims in shoals, and is caught off the coasts of Britain, chiefly around the northern parts. The flesh of the pollack is good eating. It is also known as the "coal-fish," and in Scotland it bears the local name of "Lythe."

692.—WHITING, FRIED. (Fr.Merlan Frit.)

Ingredients.—2 whiting, 1 egg, breadcrumbs, flour, salt, pepper, frying-fat or oil.

Method.—Wash, clean, and dry the fish, and remove their skins, and fasten the tail in the mouth by means of a small skewer. Mix a teaspoonful of flour with salt and pepper, and rub it well into the fish; then brush them over with egg, coat them with breadcrumbs, and fry until nicely browned in hot fat. Serve on a fish paper, garnished with crisply-fried parsley.

Time.—To fry, 6 or 7 minutes. Average Cost, 3d. to 9d. each. Sufficient, 1 small whiting for each person. Seasonable all the year, but best from October to March.

The Pout. (Fr. Lamproie), also known as the Bib is found about the mouth of the Thames, and generally around the British coasts, as well as in the northern seas. It bears a striking resemblance to the whiting, and is frequently called the Whiting Pout. The pout is esteemed as an excellent table-fish.