buttered pudding cloth, boil gently in stock or water for 2 or 2½ hours, then press until cold. Before serving, brush over with dissolved meat glaze, and decorate with creamed butter, or aspic jelly.
Time.—To cook, from 2 to 2½ hours. Average Cost, 1s. 9d.
825.—BEEF, HASHED. (Fr.—Hachis de Bœuf.)
Ingredients.—1 lb. of cold roast beef cut into slices, 1 onion sliced, 2 ozs. of streaky bacon, 1 oz. of butter, ¾ of a pint of Spanish and Tomato sauces in equal proportions.
Method.—Melt the butter, add the bacon cut into dice, then the onions, and fry a light brown. Now lay in the slices of meat, pour the sauces over, and cook slowly for ½ an hour, without boiling. Dish up neatly with croûtes of bread fried in fat as garnish.
Time.—About ¾ of an hour. Average Cost, 1s. 6d. to 1s. 9d.
826.—BEEF, HASHED. (Fr.—Hachis de Bœuf.)
Ingredients.—1 lb. of cold roast beef cut into slices, 1 pint of stock, 1½ ozs. of butter, 1½ ozs. of beef dripping, 1½ ozs. of flour, 1 sliced onion, 1 small sliced carrot, ½ a sliced turnip, a bouquet-garni (parsley, thyme, bay-leaf), 6 peppercorns, salt and pepper.
Method.—Trim off the brown outside parts of the meat, remove the bones, and break them into small pieces. Melt the dripping in a stewpan, put in the bones, trimmings of meat, bouquet-garni, and vegetables, fry until well browned, then drain off the fat. Cover with cold water, add the peppercorns and a little salt, boil gently for at least 2 hours, then strain and remove the fat. Melt the butter in a stewpan, put in the flour, and stir over the fire until a brown roux is formed, when add 1 pint of the stock from the bones, and stir until boiling. Let the sauce simmer gently for 20 minutes, then add seasoning to taste, and when slightly cooled lay in the slices of meat, draw the saucepan aside, cover closely, and let it remain for about ½ an hour, where the contents will be kept hot without boiling. Garnish with croûtes of fried bread, or groups of turnips and carrot cut into dice or julienne strips, and boiled separately.
Time.—About 1 hour, after the stock is made. Average Cost, 1s. 4d., to 1s. 6d. Sufficient for 3 or 4 persons.
827.—BEEF, CURRIED. (Fr.—Kari de Bœuf.)
Ingredients.—2 lb. of lean tender uncooked beef, 1¼ pints of stock or water, 2 ozs. of butter, 1 dessertspoonful of flour, 1 dessertspoonful of curry-powder, 1 teaspoonful of curry-paste, 1 sour apple, 2