leave spaces to admit water, thus preventing the pudding becoming too dry. Three-quarters fill the basin with boiling water, which extracts less of the juices of the meat than cold water, put on the cover, and moisten and seal the edges. If the pudding is to be boiled, tie over a scalded and floured pudding cloth. If steamed, cover with a greased paper. Let the water be quite boiling, put in the pudding, and boil for 3½ hours, or steam for 4 hours.
Time.—From 4 to 4½ hours to cook. Average Cost, 2s. 4d. Sufficient for 5 or 6 persons.
841.—BEEFSTEAK AND KIDNEY PUDDING. (Fr.—Pouding de Bœuf et de Rognon.)
Ingredients.—The same as in the preceding recipe, with the addition of 2 sheep's kidneys, or ½ a lb. of ox kidney.
Method.—Cut the kidney into thin slices 3 inches long and 2 inches wide, dip them in the seasoning mixture, place one on each slice of meat, roll up tightly, and place the rolls on end in the basin. In other respects, proceed as directed in the recipe for "Beefsteak Pudding."
Time.—4 to 4½ hours. Average Cost, 2s. 6d. Sufficient for 5 or 6 persons.
842.—BEEF PALATES, TO DRESS. (See Ox Palates Stewed.)
843.—BEEF QUENELLES EN CHAUDFROID. (Fr.—Quenelles de Bœuf en Chaudfroid.)
Ingredients.—1 lb. of lean beefsteak, ¼ of a pint of Espagnole sauce, ¼ of a pint of Tomato sauce (see Sauces), ¼ of a pint of aspic jelly, (see Aspic), ½ an oz. of leaf gelatine, 2 eggs, 2 olives, 2 anchovies, salt and pepper. For the panada 1 oz. of butter, 2 ozs. of flour, ¼ of a pint of stock. For the garnish, hard-boiled white of egg, coarsely-chopped aspic jelly, and salad.
Method.—Make the quenelles according to recipe for veal quenelles, pounding the fillets of anchovy and the stoned olives with the meat. Shape and poach the quenelles, and, when cold, coat 6 of them with the Espagnole sauce, in which 4 or 5 sheets of gelatine have been dissolved, and 6 with tomato sauce, which must also be stiffened with gelatine. Decorate the quenelles with small, fancifully-cut pieces of white of egg, and pour over them the nearly cold liquid aspic jelly. Arrange the quenelles on a bed of crisp salad, alternating the colours, intersperse and garnish with small tufts of endive and chopped aspic jelly, and serve cold.
Time.—2 or 3 hours. Average Cost, 3s. Sufficient for a dish of 12 quenelles.