Method.—Remove all the fat from the meat, cut the meat into 8 or 10 pieces, put them into a stewing-jar with the vinegar, and place the jar in a cool oven. Make the fat hot in a frying-pan, fry the sliced onions and flour until brown, add the water, boil up, and pour it over the meat in the jar. Season, cover closely, and cook gently either in the oven or on the stove for 3 hours. Mix the ingredients for savoury balls together, add water to bind these into a stiff mixture, and separate into 12 balls. About 40 minutes before serving, bring the stew to boiling point; drop in the balls, and simmer for 40 minutes. To serve: pile the meat in the centre of a hot dish, strain the gravy over and arrange the balls neatly round the base.
Time.—From 3¼ to 3½ hours. Average Cost, about 2s. Sufficient for 5 or 6 persons.
874.—FILLETS OF BEEF, SMALL, RICHMOND STYLE (Fr.—Filets Mignons à la Richmont.)
Ingredients.—2 lb. of fillet of beef, 2 ozs. of butter, 24 preserved mushrooms, 2 truffles, salt and pepper, lemon-juice, Madeira sauce.
Method.—Cut the fillet into 6-7 slices of even size and thickness, trim each neatly, and season with pepper and salt. Melt 1 oz. of butter in a sauté-pan; when hot, put in the fillets and fry them on one side, then turn them, and cover the fried side with finely-chopped mushrooms, seasoned with a little sauce and lemon-juice. Place the remainder of the butter on top, and cover with a buttered paper. Put the pan in the oven, and cook gently for another 10 minutes. Take up the fillets and range them on a hot dish, place a slice of truffle on the top of each, in the centre of the mushroom purée, pour enough hot Madeira sauce round the base of the dish, and serve hot.
Average Cost, 4s. Sufficient for 6 or 7 persons. Time.—15 to 30 minutes.
875.—FILLETS OF BEEF, TRIANON STYLE. (Fr.—Noisettes de Filets à la Trianon.)
Ingredients.—2 to 2½ lb. of fillet of beef, ¼ of a pint of sherry, 4 tablespoonfuls of sour cream, 2 ozs. of butter, fried croûtons, meat glaze.
Method.—Cut the meat into small plump round fillets, put them on a dish and sprinkle with salt and pepper, pour over them the sherry, cover, and let them remain for 2 hours, turning them occasionally. Drain the fillets, and dry them well in a cloth. Heat the butter in a sauté-pan, skim well, then put in the fillets and fry them quickly and lightly, as they should be served rather underdone. Pour off the butter, put into the sauté-pan ½ a gill of sherry used for marinading the fillets, 3 tablespoonfuls of dissolved meat glaze, and reduce to about ⅓ the original quantity. Have ready the bread croûtons corresponding