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Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/614

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Time.—To grill or fry, from 6 to 8 minutes. Average Cost, 4s. 6d. to 4s. 9d. Sufficient for 6 persons. Seasonable at any time.

939.—TOURNEDOS OF BEEF A LA NELSON. (Fr.Tournedos de Bœuf à la Nelson.)

Ingredients.—2 lb. of fillet of beef, ⅓ of a pint of small button onions, ⅓ of a pint of potato dice, ½ a pint of Espagnole or brown sauce, No. 244, or 233, 1 glass of Madeira, butter for frying, frying-fat, salt and pepper.

Method.—Parboil the onions in strong stock, then drain them. Cut the meat into fillets ½ an inch thick and 2 inches in diameter, fry lightly in hot butter, then drain and place them separately in small casseroles, season with salt and pepper, and add the onions. Have the sauce ready in a stewpan, add the wine, season to taste, fill up the casseroles, and cook gently for about 40 minutes. Fry the potato dice in hot fat until well-browned, drain well, and add them to the contents of the casseroles 10 or 15 minutes before serving.

Time.—To fry, 3 or 4 minutes; to stew, 40 minutes. Average Cost, 3s. 6d. to 3s. 9d. Sufficient for 6 persons. Seasonable at any time.


Ingredients.—2 lb. of dressed tripe, 2 large onions, ½ a pint of milk, ½ a pint of water, 1 tablespoonful of flour, 1 teaspoonful of salt and pepper.

Method.—Cut the tripe into 3-inch squares; put them into a stewpan, cover with cold water, bring to boiling point, and strain. Replace the tripe, add the milk, water and salt, boil up, put in the thinly-sliced onions, and simmer for 3 hours. 20 minutes before serving have the flour mixed smoothly with a little milk, pour it into the stewpan, stir until boiling, and simmer for 15 minutes. Season to taste, and serve.

Time.—About 3½ hours. Average Cost, 1s. 8d. Sufficient for 4 or 5 persons


Ingredients.—1 lb. of cold boiled tripe, 2 ozs. of butter, 1 large onion sliced, 1 heaped teaspoonful of finely-chopped parsley, 1 dessertspoonful of vinegar, salt and pepper.

Method.—Cut the tripe into pieces 2 inches square. Heat the butter in a frying-pan, fry the onion until tender and lightly-browned, then add the prepared tripe, parsley, vinegar, and salt and pepper to taste. Toss over the fire for a few minutes, and serve as hot as possible.

Time.—About 15 minutes. Average Cost, 1s. Sufficient for 4 or 5 persons. Seasonable at any time.