cooked asparagus-points, 1 truffle, ¼ of a pint of demi-glace sauce, salt and pepper.
Method.—When tinned artichoke bottoms are used, warm them in a little of their own liquor. Prepare and cook the asparagus-points, and, when ready to use, season and toss them over the fire in ½ an oz. of hot butter. Prepare and bake the tomatoes. Trim the cutlets into a good shape, heat 2 ozs. of butter in a sauté-pan, put in the cutlets, and fry them quickly until nicely browned. Place a cutlet-frill on each bone, arrange neatly in a circle on a border of mashed potato, and pile the tomatoes in the centre. Fill the artichoke bottoms with the asparagus points, sprinkle a little chopped truffle on each, and place them at regular intervals round the base of the dish. Have ready the hot demi-glace sauce, pour it round the dish, and serve.
Time.—To cook the cutlets, from 7 to 10 minutes. Average Cost, from 1s. to 1s. 2d. per lb. Sufficient for 7 or 8 persons.
965.—LAMB CUTLETS WITH CUCUMBER. (Fr.—Côtelettes d'Agneau au Concombre.)
Ingredients.—8 or 9 cutlets from the best end of the neck, or 6 or 7 chops from the loin, 1 large or 2 small cucumbers, 3 ozs. of butter, ¼ of a pint of gravy, 1 egg, breadcrumbs, salt and pepper, butter or clarified fat for frying the cutlets.
Method.—Peel the cucumber, remove the seeds, and cut it into ½ inch dice. Heat the butter in a stewpan, put in the cucumber, season well with salt and pepper, cover closely, and let it cook very gently in the butter for nearly ½ an hour, or until the pieces are tender but unbroken, then drain well. Trim the cutlets into a good shape, sprinkle both sides of them with salt and pepper, dip them in egg, crumb them, and then fry in hot butter or fat in a sauté- or frying-pan until lightly browned on both sides. Arrange the cutlets neatly on a thin potato border, serve the cucumber in the centre, and pour the hot sauce round.
Time.—To cook the cutlets, from 8 to 10 minutes. Average Cost, 1s. to 1s. 2d. per lb. Sufficient for 6 or 7 persons.
966.—LAMB CUTLETS AND SPINACH. (Fr.—Côtelettes d'Agneau aux Epinards.)
Ingredients.—8 or 10 cutlets, ¾ of a pint of spinach purée (see Vegetables) 1 oz. of butter, 1 egg, breadcrumbs, salt and pepper, ⅓ of a pint of gravy, tomato or any other sauce preferred.
Method.—Trim the cutlets (see "Lamb Cutlets, To Prepare"). Brush them over with beaten egg seasoned liberally with salt and pepper, and coat with breadcrumbs. Prepare the spinach purée as directed, and keep it hot until required. Heat the butter in a sauté- or frying-pan, fry the cutlets quickly until lightly browned on both sides, and drain them free from fat. Arrange in a close circle on a hot dish, pile the purée in the centre, and pour the sauce round.