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Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/650

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purée, finely-chopped truffle, salt and pepper, rough puff or puff paste.

Method.—Prepare the sweetbreads as directed in the preceding recipe. Have ready 8 or 9 oval or round, crisply-baked pastry cases, fill them with sweetbread, cover with sauce, and sprinkle lightly with truffle. Serve hot.

Time.—To cook the sweetbreads, about 1¼ hours. Average Cost, 1s. 9d. to 2s. 3d. per lb. Sufficient for 6 or 7 persons. Seasonable all the year.

978.—LAMBS' SWEETBREADS, FRIED. (Fr.Ris d'Agneau Frit.)

Ingredients.—1 lb. of lambs' sweetbreads, ⅓ of a pint of gravy, tomato sauce, or any other sauce preferred, 1 egg, breadcrumbs, butter or frying-fat, flour, salt and pepper.

Method.—Soak the sweetbreads in water for 2 hours, changing the water 3 or 4 times, then drain well, and place in a stewpan containing just sufficient cold water to cover them. Add a little salt, bring to the boil, cook gently for 15 minutes, then press between 2 dishes until cold. Roll lightly in a little flour seasoned with salt and pepper, coat carefully with egg and breadcrumbs, and fry in hot butter or fat until lightly browned. Serve the gravy or sauce separately.

Time.—To fry, 6 or 8 minutes. Average Cost, 2s. to 2s. 6d. per lb. Sufficient for 3 or 4 persons. Seasonable at all times.

979.—LAMBS' SWEETBREADS, VOLTAIRE STYLE (Fr.Ris d'Agneau à la Voltaire.)

Ingredients.—8 lambs' sweetbreads, 8 artichoke bottoms, 1 oz. of butter, 1 oz. grated Parmesan cheese, 3 yolks of eggs, 2 tablespoonfuls of Béchamel sauce (see Sauces), ½ a pint of good stock, 2 or 3 slices of bacon, 1 onion, 1 carrot, a bouquet-garni (parsley, thyme, bay-leaf), salt and pepper, meat glaze.

Method.—Blanch, drain, and trim the sweetbreads. Lay the slices of bacon, onion and carrot sliced, and the bouquet-garni on the bottom of a sauté-pan, ¾ cover them with stock, add seasoning if necessary, place the sweetbreads on the top, and cover with a buttered paper. Put the sauté-pan into a moderate oven and braise from 30 to 40 minutes, basting frequently, and adding more stock if necessary. When the sweetbreads are done, brush them over with warm glaze and keep them hot. Strain the stock into a small stewpan, skim well, then add the yolks of eggs and Béchamel sauce, previously mixed together, stir until it thickens, then pass through a tammy-cloth or fine hair sieve. Drain the artichokes well after cooking, or from the liquor when preserved ones are used, and place them in a well-buttered