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melt the remaining butter in a stewpan, fry the shallots slightly, then add the flour and cook until it acquires a nut-brown colour. When the meat is ready, remove the strings, brush it over with stock reduced to glaze, and put it into a moderate oven for a few minutes to crisp the bacon. Strain the stock, increase the quantity to ¾ of a pint, pour it over the brown roux or thickening, and stir until it boils. Add to it the parsley, season to taste, simmer for 2 or 3 minutes, then serve in a sauce-boat. Cooked tomatoes, mushrooms, fancifully-cut turnips and carrots, small timbales of spinach or green pea purée, haricots verts and macedoine are all suitable garnish for this dish.

Time.—To braise, about 2 hours. Average Cost, 10d. to 1s. 1d. per lb.

Note.—The loin, neck or breast may be cooked in this manner. If preferred, the shoulder may be stuffed with sausage meat or veal forcemeat, and the larding may in all cases be omitted, if more convenient.

990.—SHOULDER OF LAMB, STUFFED. (Fr.Epaule d'Agneau Farcie.)

Ingredients.—A shoulder of lamb, veal forcemeat, No. 396, ¾ of a pint of stock, 1 oz. of butter, ¾ of an oz. of flour, 2 or 3 ozs. of dripping, salt and pepper.

Method.—Remove the bones and boil them for at least 1 hour for stock. Flatten the meat with a cutlet-bat or heavy knife, season well with salt and pepper, and spread on the forcemeat. Roll up lightly, tie securely with string, and place in a baking-tin in which the dripping has been previously melted. Baste well, put it into a moderate oven, and cook gently for about 1¼ hours, basting frequently. Meanwhile fry the butter and flour together until well browned, add the prepared stock, stir until boiling, and season to taste. Remove the meat and keep it hot, pour off the fat without disturbing the sediment in the tin, and add the brown sauce. Replace the meat, and cook it gently for 20 minutes longer, basting frequently meanwhile. Serve with a little sauce poured over the meat, and send the remainder to table in a tureen. If preferred, the meat may be braised according to directions given in reference to "Loin of Lamb, Rolled and Braised."

Time.—About 1½ hours. Average Cost, 11d. to 1s. 2d. per lb. Sufficient for 4 or 5 persons. Seasonable all the year.