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Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/716

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1079.—LITTLE RAISED PORK PIES. (FrPetits Pâtés de Porc.)

Ingredients.—2 lb. of lean pork, 1 lb. of household flour, 8 ozs. of lard, ½ a teaspoonful of powdered sage, cayenne, pepper and salt, ¼ a pint of water, 1 small onion.

Method.—Prepare the stock, meat and paste as directed in the recipe for "Pork Pie." Divide the paste into small pieces, raise in a round or oval form, and fill with meat. Sprinkle lightly with sage, moisten with stock, and put on the covers. Bake in a moderately hot oven for about 1 hour, then fill up with stock, and serve either hot or cold.

Time.—To bake, about 1½ hours. Average Cost, 2s. 3d. to 2s. 6d.

1080.—LOIN OF PORK, BAKED. (Fr.Longe de Porc.)

Ingredients.—3 or 4 lb. loin of pork, 18 potatoes, 8 apples, 6 onions, all peeled and quartered, salad oil, gravy (see "Gravies").

Method.—Score the skin in narrow lines, and brush it over with salad oil. Bake in a moderately hot oven for 40 minutes, then put the potatoes, apples and onions into the tin containing the meat, and continue to cook gently from 1¼ to 1½ hours longer. When ready, arrange the vegetables and apples on a hot dish, place the meat in the centre, and serve the gravy separately.

Time.—From 2 to 2½ hours. Average Cost, 9d. to 10d. per lb. Sufficient for 6 or 7 persons. Seasonable during the winter months.

1081.—PIG'S CHEEK.

Ingredients.—A pig's cheek, brown breadcrumbs.

Method.—If the cheek has been cured and dried, soak it for 5 or 6 hours; if freshly pickled, simply wash it in 2 or 3 waters. Cover with warm water, bring to the boil, and simmer gently for 2½ hours. Strip off the skin, cover rather thickly with lightly-browned breadcrumbs, and bake in the oven for ½ an hour. Serve either hot or cold.

Time.—To cook, 3 hours. Average Cost, 8d. per lb. Seasonable in winter.


Ingredients.—2 pig's cheeks. For the pickle: 4 ozs. of common salt 4 ozs. of moist sugar, 1 oz. of saltpetre, ½ an oz. of ground pepper.

Method.—Remove the brains and snout, and chop off the upper bone, to make the cheeks a good shape. Wash well, sprinkle thickly with salt, let them lie for 24 hours, then wash and drain well. Mix the above ingredients together, rub them well into the cheeks, and turn