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changing- the brine. When wanted for use, wash and wipe it, and it will answer for making paste as well as fresh lard.

Average Cost, 10d. per lb.

1142.—TO MAKE SAUSAGES. (Fr.Saucisses.)

Ingredients.—1 lb. of pork, fat and lean, without skin or gristle; 1 lb. of lean veal, 1 lb. of beef suet, ½ a lb. of breadcrumbs, the rind of ½ a lemon, some nutmeg, 6 sage leaves, 1 teaspoonful of savoury herbs, ½ a teaspoonful of marjoram.

Method.—Chop the pork, veal and suet finely together, add the breadcrumbs, lemon-peel (which should be well minced), and a grating of nutmeg. Wash and chop the sage-leaves very finely; add these, with the remaining ingredients, to the sausage-meat, and when thoroughly mixed, either put the meat into skins, or, when wanted for table, form it into little cakes, which should be floured and fried.

Average Cost, for this quantity, 2s. 6d. Sufficient for about 30 moderate-sized sausages.

The Hog in England.—From time immemorial the hog has been valued in England. In the Anglo-Saxon period vast herds of swine were tended by men who watched over their safety, and collected them under shelter at night. The flesh of the animal was the staple article of consumption in every family, and a large portion of the wealth of the well-to-do freemen of the country consisted of swine. Hence it was a common practice to make bequests of swine with land for their support, and to such bequests were attached rights and privileges in connexion with the feeding of swine, the extent of woodland to be occupied by a given number being granted in accordance with established rules.


Ingredients.—To a pig's head weighing 6 lb. allow 1½ lb of lean beef, 2 tablespoonfuls of salt, 2 teaspoonfuls of pepper, a little cayenne, 6 pounded cloves.

Method.—Cut off the cheeks and salt them, unless the head be small, when all may be used. After carefully cleaning the head, put it on in sufficient cold water to cover it, with the beef, and skim it just before it boils. A head weighing 6 lb. will require boiling from 2 to 3 hours. When sufficiently boiled to come off the bones easily, put it into a hot pan, remove the bones, and chop the meat with a sharp knife before the fire, together with the beef. It is necessary to do this as quickly as possible to prevent the fat settling in it. Sprinkle in the seasoning, which should have been previously mixed. Stir it well, and put it quickly into a brawn-tin: a cake-tin or mould will answer the purpose, if the meat is well pressed with weights, which must not be removed for several hours. When quite cold, dip the tin into boiling water for a minute or two, and the preparation will turn out and be fit for use.

The liquor in which the head was boiled will make good pea soup, and the fat, if skimmed off and boiled in water, and afterwards poured into cold water, answers the purposes of lard.