Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/760

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1157.—CHICKEN, CROQUETTES OF. (Fr.Croquettes de Volaille.)

Ingredients.—6 to 8 ozs. of cold chicken or fowl (boned), 2 ozs. of cooked ham or tongue, ¼ of a pint of stock, 1 oz. of butter, 1 oz. of flour, 1 tablespoonful of cream, 1 teaspoonful of lemon-juice, 6 button mushrooms, 1 truffle, salt and pepper, egg, breadcrumbs, frying-fat.

Method.—Chop the chicken and ham or tongue finely, cut the mushrooms and truffle into small pieces. Melt the butter, fry the flour without browning, add the stock, and cook well. Stir in the chicken, ham or tongue, cream, lemon-juice, mushrooms and truffle, season with salt and pepper, and turn on to a plate to cool. Make into cork-shaped croquettes, coat carefully with egg and breadcrumbs, and fry until lightly browned in hot fat.

Time.—1 hour. Average Cost, 1s. 6d. to 2s. Sufficient for about 6 persons.

1158.—CHICKEN KROMESKIS. (Fr.Cromes Quis de Volaille.)

Ingredients.—Make a salpicon as directed in the preceding recipe, as many small very thin slices of bacon as there are cork-shaped pieces of the mixture. For the batter: 2 tablespoonfuls of milk, 3 tablespoonfuls of flour, 1 tablespoonful of salad-oil or oiled butter, 1 egg, salt, frying-fat.

Method.—Mix the above ingredients into a smooth batter, and add to it 1 saltspoonful of salt.

Wrap each piece of the chicken mixture in a slice of bacon, dip into a light batter prepared from the above named ingredients, and fry in a deep pan of hot fat. Drain, and serve garnished with parsley.

Time.—1 hour. Probable Cost, 1s. 9d., to 2s. Sufficient for about 6 persons.

1159.—CHICKEN, CUTLETS OF. (Fr.Côtelettes de Volaille.)

Ingredients.—½ a lb. of cold chicken, ¼ of a pint of white sauce, 1 oz. of butter, ½ an oz. of flour, the yolks of 2 eggs, ½ a shallot finely-chopped, salt and pepper, nutmeg, egg, breadcrumbs, frying-fat.

Method.—Chop the chicken finely. Fry the shallot and flour in the butter without browning, add the stock, and boil well. Put in the chicken, add nutmeg, salt and pepper to taste, stir over the fire until thoroughly hot, then add the yolks of eggs, and cook the ingredients for 2 or 3 minutes longer. Cool the mixture; when firm, shape into cutlets, egg and crumb them, and fry in deep fat. Drain well, arrange them in a close circle on a dish paper, garnish with fried parsley, and