Method.—Scrape the meat finely, pound it in a mortar with the yolks of the eggs, add seasoning to taste, and rub through a fine wire or hair sieve. Whip the cream slightly and whisk the whites of eggs to a stiff froth, add the mixture lightly to the chicken purée, put in the truffle cut into dice, and ¾ fill some well-buttered china or paper ramakin cases with the mixture. Bake in a moderate oven for about 20 minutes, and serve the hot sauce in a sauce-boat.
Time.—To prepare and cook, about 1 hour. Average Cost, 2s. to 2s. 3d. Sufficient for 1 dish.
1194.—CHICKEN, SOUFFLÉ OF. (Fr.—Soufflé de Volaille.)
Ingredients.—½ a lb. of raw chicken, 1½ ozs. of butter, the whites of 2 eggs, the yolk of 1 egg, ¼ of a pint of cream, pepper and salt, ½ a pint of Béchamel sauce (see Sauces No. 178).
Method.—Shred the chicken meat finely, or pass it through a mincing machine, then pound it in the mortar with the butter and yolk of egg, season with salt and pepper, and rub through a fine wire sieve. Whip the cream slightly and whisk the whites of egg stiffly, and add them lightly to the chicken purée. Place in a well-buttered soufflé (plain Charlotte) mould, cover with a buttered paper, and steam gently from 50 to 60 minutes. Or, fill up several small dariol moulds, and steam for about 25 minutes. Serve with the white sauce poured over, and, if liked, decorate with finely-chopped truffle.
Time.—60 to 90 minutes. Average Cost, 4s. to 4s. 6d. Sufficient for 6 or 7 persons.
Stocking the fowl House.—In selecting birds for stocking a fowl-house care should be taken that they are not more than two years old. The surest indications of old age in fowls are the fading of the comb and gills from brilliant red to a dingy brick colour, general paleness of plumage, brittleness of the feathers, length and size of the claws, and the ragged and corny appearance of the scales of the legs and feet. The selection will be dependent upon the purposes for which the fowls are to be kept, and the accommodation for keeping them. If the poultry is designed for the table, Dorkings, Game, Houdans are good breeds for that purpose. If for laying, Minorcas, Orpingtons, Wyandottes, Hamburgs, Leghorns, Polish and Spanish fowls are suitable. If both poultry and eggs are the object, Brahmas, or Langshans, and Brahmas crossed with one or other of the above breeds, will be found the best. If the object be the breeding of birds for exhibition the fancier will choose the particular bird he desires for competition.
1195.—CHICKEN, SPATCHCOCK. (Fr.—Poulet à la Crapodine.)
Ingredients.—1 chicken, butter, salt and pepper. Tartare, piquante, or other sharp sauce (see Sauces) 4 to 5 thin slices of bacon.
Method.—Split the bird in half, cutting it through the back only, cut off the legs and wings at the first joints, and arrange in a flat form by means of skewers. Brush over with warm butter, season with salt and pepper, and grill over or in front of a clear fire for about 15 minutes. Turn frequently, brush over with butter, and when done