quently, and if the surface is not well browned, dredge with flour when the bird is ¾ cooked. Remove the trussing string, serve on a hot dish, and send the gravy and apple sauce to table in sauce-boats.
Time.—From 2 to 2½, hours. Average Cost, from 6s. to 12s., according to size. Sufficient for 10 or more persons, according to size. Seasonable from September to February.
The Wild Goose.—This bird is sometimes called the "Grey-lag," and is believed to be the original of the domestic goose. The Gray-lag (Anser ferus) is a denizen of all the extensive marshy districts throughout the temperate regions of Europe. Northwards it ranges to the 53° of latitude, and southwards to the northern parts of Africa, and easterly to Persia. It is the legendary bird that saved the Capitol by its vigilance, and was valued accordingly by the grateful Romans.
Ingredients.—1 large goose, ¼ of an oz. of saltpetre, 2 ozs. of common salt, 1 oz. of coarse sugar.
Method.—Split the goose down the back, and rub in the saltpetre, salt and sugar. Let it lie in pickle 12 days in summer, 14 in winter. Rub and turn it regularly every day, then roll it in sawdust and smoke it.
Time.—12 to 14 days. Average Cost, 9d. to 1s. per lb.
The Brent Goose.—This is the smallest and most numerous of the species of the geese which visit the British Islands. It makes its appearance in winter, and ranges over the whole of the coasts and estuaries, frequented by other migratory geese. A very large number of these birds annually resort to the extensive sandy and muddy flats which lie between the mainland and Holy Island on the Northumbrian coast, and are covered by every flow of the tide. This part of the coast appears to have been a favourite resort of these birds from time immemorial, where they have always received the name of Ware geese, possibly from the fact of their continually feeding on marine vegetables. The flesh of the Brent goose has an agreeable flavour.
1240.—GOSLING ROAST. (See. To Dress a Green Goose.)
1241.—GREEN GOOSE, TO DRESS A. (Fr.—Oison Rôti.)
Ingredients.—1 Goose, 3 ozs. of butter, pepper and salt to taste.
Method.—Geese are called green until they are about 4 months old, and should not be stuffed. After the goose has been singed and trussed, put into the body a seasoning of pepper and salt, and the butter to moisten it inside. Roast before a clear fire for about ¾ of an hour, allow it to brown nicely, and serve with a brown gravy, and, when liked, gooseberry sauce. This dish should be garnished with watercresses.
Time.—About an hour. Average Cost, 4s. 6d. each. Sufficient for 5 or 6 persons. Seasonable August to November.
The Egyptian Goose.—The Greek historian Herodotus calls special attention to this bird, which he stated was held sacred by the ancient Egyptians. Mr. Salt, the traveller, remarks: "Horus Apollo says the old geese stay with their young in the most imminent danger, at the risk of their own lives, which I have myself frequently witnessed. Vielpansier is the goose of the Nile, and wherever this goose is represented on the walls of the temples in colours, the resemblance may be clearly traced." The goose is also stated to have been a bird under the care of the goddess Isis. The Egyptian goose has been placed by the naturalist, Mr. Gould, among the birds of Europe; not from the number of half-reclaimed individuals who are annually shot in Britain, but from the circumstance of its occasionally visiting the southern parts of the Continent from its native country Africa.