nearly 1 hour. A few minutes before serving skim off all the fat, add the flour, previously blended with a little cold water, stir until the sauce reboils, season to taste, and simmer at least 10 minutes to cook the flour. Remove the trussing strings, cut the birds in halves, arrange them neatly on a hot dish strain the sauce over, group the vegetables and bacon round the dish, and serve.
Time.—About 1¼ hours. Average Cost, from 1s. to 1s. 6d. each. Sufficient' for 6 or 7 persons.
The Pigeon (Fr. pigeon).—This familiar bird is widely distributed over the world, and some species are found even in the Arctic regions. The true pigeons or Columbidae are represented by the stock-dove; the ring-dove or cushat is the largest British species. Pigeons in general are arboreal in their habits, and build their nests in high places. Their food consists chiefly of grain The note of the pigeon is the well-known "cooing." From the wild or rock pigeon the numerous domestic varieties are derived. The flesh of the pigeon is savoury, delicate and stimulating.
1250.—PIGEONS, CURRY OF. (Fr.—Kari de Pigeon.)
Ingredients.—2 pigeons, 2 ozs. of butter, ¾ of a pint of curry-sauce No. 241 (see "Sauces"), boiled rice.
Method.—Make the sauce as directed, strain, replace in the stewpan, and keep hot until required. Divide each pigeon into 4 quarters, fry them in hot butter until well-browned, and drain them free from fat. Put them into the sauce, let the stewpan stand for about ½ an hour, where its contents will remain just below simmering point, then serve with plainly-boiled rice handed round at the same time.
Time.—To cook in the sauce, about ½ an hour. Average Cost, pigeons, 2s. 6d. to 3s. Sufficient for 4 or 5 persons.
The Pigeon-house or Dovecote.—The first requisite for keeping pigeons is the provision of a suitable and commodious habitation. This may be a wall-locker fixed to the side of a house, stable or other out-building, or a pole-locker, a barrel, or barrel-shaped structure, fixed upon a long pole. The latter kind of locker can be placed on a lawn, in a shrubbery or courtyard, as may be most convenient. Each pair of pigeons should have two holes or rooms to nest in, otherwise there will be the constant possibility of confusion among the inmates, the breaking of eggs and the destruction of the young birds. If pigeons be kept for the special purpose of pairing, breeding and rearing it will be preferable to keep the pigeons in a loft or outhouse adapted for that object. The nesting places should be from 12 in. to 18 in. in height and depth, and 2 ft. 6 in. in length for each pair of birds. Loose movable boxes may be used with advantage if floor-space is available.
1251.—PIGEONS, CUTLETS OF, WITH ESPAGNOLE SAUCE. (Fr.—Côtelettes de Pigeons a l'Espagnole.)
Ingredients.—3 pigeons, 6 ozs. of liver farce or stuffing, No. 398, 1 pig's caul, ½ a pint of Espagnole sauce (see Sauces), 1½ ozs. of butter, 1 white of egg, glaze, asparagus points, green peas, or other suitable vegetable.
Method.—Split the pigeons in half, remove all bones except the leg bones, leave the feet attached, but cut off the tips of the toes; season well, fold the skin underneath, form the birds into a nice plump shape, fry lightly on both sides in hot butter and press between 2 dishes until cold. Wash the caul in salt and water and dry well before using.