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1280.—BLACK COCK, GRILLED. (Fr.Coq de Bruyère Grillé.)

Ingredients.—1 black cock, a little warm butter, ½ a teaspoonful of lemon-juice, a few drops of anchovy essence, ½ a pint of brown sauce (see Sauces, No. 233), salt and pepper.

Method.—Split the bird down the back, cut off the legs at the first joint, and skewer into as flat a shape as possible. Brush over with warm butter, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and grill over or in front of a clear fire from 25 to 30 minutes. The bird should be turned frequently, and occasionally brushed over with butter during the process of cooking. Make the sauce as directed, add to it the lemon-juice and anchovy-essence, season to taste, strain and serve in a sauce-boat. Fried potato chips or straws are frequently served with this dish.

Time.—From 25 to 30 minutes. Average Cost 3s. 6d. to 4s. 6d. per brace. Seasonable from the middle of August to the end of November.

Black-cock (Fr. coq de bruyère)—The name given to the male of the black grouse a species of Rasorial birds included in the Tetraonidae or grouse famly. The Black-cock frequents the moors of Scotland, and is also found on the Alps and Apennines, and in Norway and Russia. The male, about the size of the common hen, weighs some 4 lb., the female about 2 lb.; the eggs of the latter are of yellowish-white colour spotted with brown. The flesh of the Black-cock is highly-esteemed. Large numbers of these birds are imported from Norway, but although larger in size than the Scotch bird, their flavour is not so delicate. The plumage of the male bird is a fine glossy black, whence its name, with white on its lower wing-coverts. The four outer feathers of the tail on each side are curved outwards at their tips, thus giving to the tail a double-hooked or lyre-shaped appearance. The colour of the females is brown, and the tail straight. Both sexes are feathered on the shanks. Until they are about half-grown the males are scarcely distinguishable from the females, when the black feathers begin to appear about the sides and breast. The food of the Black-cock consists of the tops of the birch and heather and ripe mountain berries, and in the summer these birds frequently descend to the lower lands to feed upon the corn. The Black-cock is gregarious, but in winter the sexes keep in separate flocks and pair in the spring. The Black-cock is also known locally as the Black-game, Heath-cock, Moor-fowl, or Heath-poult.

1281.—BLACK COCK, ROASTED. (Fr.Coq de Bruyère Rôti.)

Ingredients.—Black cock, butter, toast, gravy, bread sauce, No. 180 (see Sauces and Gravies), fried breadcrumbs.

Method.—Let the birds hang for a few days, for they will be tough and tasteless, if not well kept. Pluck and draw them, and wipe the insides and outsides with a damp cloth, as washing spoils the flavour. Cut off the heads, and truss as a roast fowl, cutting off the toes, and scalding and peeling the feet. Baste the bird well with hot butter, and roast it in front of a clear fire, or in a moderate oven, from 45 to 60 minutes, according to size, basting frequently with butter during the process. Dish on a slice of buttered toast, and serve the gravy, bread sauce and breadcrumbs separately.

Time.—From 45 to 60 minutes. Average Cost, 3s. 6d. to 4s. 6d. per brace. Seasonable from the middle of August to the end of November.