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should a small piece of cinder get into the ladle it will lodge there and not fall on the meat. Dripping-pans of block tin, with wells, are made in four sizes, ranging in price from 2s. to 3s. 6d. Wrought iron stands for these dripping-pans cost from 3s. to 4s., and basting ladles from 1s. to 2s. Extra strong wrought iron dripping-pans with wells, and mounted on wrought iron legs, range in size from 2 feet 6 inches to 4 feet in length, and cost from 33s. to 90s., according to size. Strong wrought iron basting ladles to accompany these appliances are made in three sizes, namely, 4, 4½ and 5 inches in diameter, costing 7s. 6d. 8s. 6d. and 10s. 6d. respectively.

Double Baking-pan and Stand.—Closely akin to the dripping-pan used in open-fire roasting is the double baking-pan and stand used in ranges and kitcheners for baking meat, poultry, etc. These are usually supplied with ranges and kitcheners when first purchased; but sometimes it is necessary to renew them. The lower pan contains water which may be added through the opening in the lower right-hand corner, made by a depression in the inner pan; the perforated shield or hood, covering the opposite corner being used for pouring off the dripping. These pans are supplied in oblong form, from 13 inches to 18 inches in length, at prices ranging from 3s. 9d. to 7s. 6d.; or square, from 12 inches to 16 inches, from 4s. to 7s. It may be added that single pans are supplied in the above sizes, oblong, from 1s. 2d. to 2s.; and square, from 1s. 4d. to 2s.

The Gridiron.—This utensil, which in its ordinary form consists of a frame supported on four short legs, one at each corner, and with round bars from front to back, and a handle at the back of the frame, is used for broiling purposes of all kinds. The round bar gridiron is made with from 8 to 12 bars, according to size, and is sold at from 10d. to 1s. 3d.

Hanging Gridiron.—The hanging gridiron consists of a double frame, similar in form to the bed or platform of the ordinary gridiron. Below the frames is a small trough or pan, in which the dripping or gravy running from the meat is caught, and above, the centre bars in each frame project upwards, forming the means of keeping the frames together when the meat is placed between them, by a wire ring, square in form, that is slipped over them. The hanging gridiron is suspended before the fire, on bars fastened to hooks, which slip over the top bar of the range. Hooks are attached to the inner frame to take slices of bacon, chops, steaks, etc., when placed between the frames, and to keep them in a proper position. These gridirons are made of wrought iron with from 8 to 12 bars, and are sold at 3s. 6d. and 5s. each, according to size.

American Grip Broiler and Toaster.—This grilling utensil is most useful and desirable for broiling steaks, chops, fish, etc. It is made of polished steel, with perforation in both plates, having their edges turned inwards. Thus it may be turned over on the fire without the escape and