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boiling quickly with the saucepan uncovered, and, when tender, pour them into a colander; let them drain, arrange them in a vegetable-dish, remove the string that the greens were tied with, and serve.

Time.—15 to 20 minutes. Average Cost, 6d. for 1 dish. Seasonable in March, April and May.


Vegetables for garnishing simple soups and plain entrées may be cut into dice or matches, but for more elaborate dishes they should either be turned into small balls with a round scoop (see Chapter on Utensils), or cut into thin slices and afterwards stamped out by means of a fancy cutter. Carrot and turnip should either be boiled separately, or the former should be slightly cooked before adding the turnip, which requires longer cooking.

1630.—VEGETABLE MARROWS, BOILED. (Fr.Courge bouillie, Sauce Blanche.)

Ingredients.—2 medium-sized vegetable marrows, toast, ¾ of a pint of white sauce (see Sauces, No. 223).

Method.—Peel the marrows, quarter them, and remove the seeds. Boil them in salt and water from 15 to 20 minutes, or until tender. Drain well, dish on the toast, pour over the white sauce, and serve.

Time.—15 to 20 minutes. Average Cost, from 2d. each. Sufficient for 5 or 6 persons. Seasonable in July, August and September.

The Vegetable Marrow.—This vegetable is now extensively used, and belongs to the Cucurbitaceae. It is the C. ovi fersacada of science, and like the melon, gourd, cucumber and squash, is widely diffused in the tropical or warmer regions of the globe. Of the nature of this family we have already spoken when treating of the cucumber.

1631.—VEGETABLE MARROW, FRIED. (Fr.Courge Frite.)

Ingredients.—1 or 2 medium-sized vegetable marrows, egg and breadcrumbs frying-fat, salt and pepper.

Method.—Peel and boil the marrows in salt and water until tender, then drain well, cut them into quarters, and remove the seeds. Coat each piece with egg and breadcrumbs, and fry in hot fat until nicely browned. Drain, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and serve.

Time.—From 40 to 50 minutes, altogether. Average Cost, from 2d. each. Sufficient for 3 or 5 persons. Seasonable from July to September.


See Vegetable Marrow, Fried, Recipe No. 1631. If preferred the marrow may be coated with frying-batter instead of egg and breadcrumbs.