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See Yorkshire Pudding, Recipe No. 1930.

1647.—BATTER FOR FRYING. (Another Method.)

Ingredients.—4 level tablespoonfuls of flour, 1 tablespoonful of salad oil, or oiled butter, 2 stiffly-whisked whites of eggs, a good pinch of salt, ¼ of a pint of warm water (about).

Method.—Sieve the flour into a basin, add the salt and salad oil, stir gently, adding the water gradually until the batter is sufficiently liquid to offer little resistance to the spoon, then beat well for 10 minutes. Put aside for about ½ an hour, add warm water until the batter has the consistency of good single cream, then stir in the stiffly-whisked whites of eggs, and use as required.

Time.—About 1 hour. Average Cost, 3½d. to 4d.

1648.—BRIOCHE PASTE. (Fr.Pâte de Brioche.)

Ingredients.—1 lb. of flour, 4 ozs. of butter, ½ an oz. of yeast, 2 large or 3 small eggs, ¼ of a gill of milk, 1 teaspoonful of castor sugar, salt.

Method.—Mix the yeast with a little tepid water, stir in sufficient flour to form a stiff batter, and let it stand for 1 hour in a warm place. Put the remainder of the flour into a basin, add a good pinch of salt, and the beaten egg. Warm the milk, melt the butter, add gradually to the yeast, etc., then mix together the contents of the 2 basins, and knead well for at least 15 minutes. Cover, let it remain in a moderately cool place for 2 or 3 hours, then shape or mould as desired, and bake in a brisk oven.

Time.—From 2 to 3 hours. Average Cost, 9d. or 10d.

1649.—BUTTER CRUST. (For Boiled Puddings.)

Ingredients.—1 lb. of flour, 6 ozs. of butter, ½ a pint of water.

Method.—With a knife mix the flour to a smooth paste, adding the water gradually. Roll out thinly, place the butter over it in small pieces, dredge lightly with flour, and fold the paste over. Roll out again, and use as required.

Time.—About 15 minutes. Average Cost, 6d. or 7d. Sufficient for 1½ lbs. of paste.

1650.—CHOUX PASTE. (Fr.Pâte à Choux.)

Ingredients.—4 ozs. of fine flour, 4 ozs. of butter, 2 ozs. of sugar, 2 large or 3 small eggs, ½ pint of water, salt, vanilla-essence or other flavouring.

Method.—Put the water, butter, sugar, and a good pinch of salt into a stewpan, and when boiling add the flour, previously well dried and