(Figures in full-faced type refer to page-numbers)
abused: 97 (V. ii. 103)
accordant: 13 (I. ii. 16)
Adam, called: 10 (I. i. 269)
addition: 41 (II. iii. 253)
advertisement: 81 (V. i. 32)
affect: 11 (I. i. 306)
affection: 31 (II. ii. 7)
against: 23 (II. i. 189)
agate: 45 (III. i. 65)
aim at: 51 (III. ii. 99)
alliance: 28 (II. i. 332)
alms: 39 (II. iii. 175)
am for you: 30 (II. i. 389)
an: 6 (I. i. 143)
ancientry: 19 (II. i. 81)
angel (coin): 34 (II. iii. 35)
answer, to your: 89 (V. i. 238)
antic: 45 (III. i. 63)
anticlv: 84 (V. i. 96)
apes (lead a. in hell): 18 (II. i. 43)
appear: 13 (I. ii. 23)
apprehend: 19 (II. i. 85)
apprehension: 61 (III. iv. 67)
approved: 30 (II. i. 397)
argument (theme for talk): 10 (I. i. 266)
argument (power of reason): 46 (III. i. 96)
Ate: 26 (II. i. 265)
attir'd: 70 (IV. i. 146)
authority: 66 (IV. i. 35)
badge: 2 (I. i. 23)
band: 47 (III. i. 114)
barns (bairns): 60 (III. iv. 48)
base: 24 (II. i. 217)
bear-ward: 18 (II. i. 43)
bear in hand: 76 (IV. i. 309)
beaten with brains: 104 (V. iv. 104)
belongs to: 53 (III. iii. 40)
below stairs, keep: 94 (V. ii. 10)
Bel's priests: 57 (III. iii. 143)
bent (tension): 41 (II. iii. 243)
bent (inclination): 72 (IV. i. 188)
beshrew: 83 (V. i. 55)
beside: 86 (V. i. 131)
bills (advertisement): 2 (I. i. 39)
bills (pikes): 53 (III. iii. 44)
bird-bolt: 2 (I. i. 42)
blazon: 27 (II. i. 309)
block: 3 (I. i. 78)
blood: 15 (I. iii. 30)
book: 71 (IV. i. 169)
books: 3 (I. i. 80)
bottle: 10 (I. i. 267)
brave: 105 (V. iv. 131)
break: 11 (I. i. 319)
breathing: 30 (II. i. 380)
broke cross: 86 (V. i. 142)