Page:Muhammad Diyab al-Itlidi - Historical Tales and Anecdotes of the Time of the Early Khalîfahs - Alice Frere - 1873.djvu/110

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vealed—those who received and succoured, they, they are the true believers.[1] And the Prophet was merciful to us in consequence, and overlooked our evil deeds. And why did you not the same, but did, on the contrary, oppose the Apostle of God?"

And Muʾâwiyah reflected upon this question; but after a time, raising his head, he asked, "O ye men! who among the Arabs has the most eloquent tongue, and who has borne witness thereof?"

Et-Tarammâh answered, "We, O Muʾâwiyah!"

"How is that?" asked the latter.

"Because," replied et-Tarammâh, "Imruʾl-Kîs, son of Hájar-el-Kándy, was of us. He says in one of his poems:

In years of scarcity
They feed mankind at times
From platters large as cisterns
And cauldrons immovably fixed.

And verily he quoted from the Kurân before it was

  1. Kurân, Sur. 8, v. 75, alluding to the persecution undergone by the Prophet and his followers in the early days of Muhammadism at the hands of the Kuraish, and his reception by the inhabitants of Yathreb, afterwards called el-Medînah. (See Note *, p. 13.)