Page:Muhammad Diyab al-Itlidi - Historical Tales and Anecdotes of the Time of the Early Khalîfahs - Alice Frere - 1873.djvu/173

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the herds, and people assembled to partake of the feast, which lasted for forty days. Then the father said, "Take your damsel." So we mounted her in a litter, and loaded thirty camels with her goods, and set off and departed. And we travelled until there remained between us and el-Medînah-el-Munáwwarah but one day's journey, when lo! horsemen in search of plunder came out against us, and I believe that they were of the Benu-Salîm. And ʾUtbah-ibn-Khabâb charged them, and slew many of the men, and turned to withdraw. But he had received a spear-thrust, and fell to the ground. And help came to us from the inhabitants of that part of the country, who drove the horsemen away. But verily the days of ʾUtbah were accomplished, and we cried, "Alas, O ʾUtbah!"

Then we heard the girl exclaim, "Alas, O ʾUtbah!" and she flung herself from the top of her camel, and threw herself upon his body, and began wailing aloud, and reciting passionately these lines:

I feigned patience, but in impatience. And that my soul
Has no right to live after thee is its one consolation.
Had it rightly acted, truly 'twould have died
With those who have preceded, before thy death.
After us will none be found who thus share friendship,
Nor among souls, a responsive soul.