Page:Muhammad Diyab al-Itlidi - Historical Tales and Anecdotes of the Time of the Early Khalîfahs - Alice Frere - 1873.djvu/182

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reminded us of what we already knew concerning the greatness of thy benevolence and the excellence of thy advice. Now, therefore, let no desire have place in thy breast without making it known to us, that we may accomplish it for thee, and that el-Hajjâj-abu-Muhammad's praise of thee may not have been in vain."

So Ibrahîm answered, "O Commander of the Faithful! I will make known what I desire for the well-pleasing of the Most High, and union with the Prophet at the Day of Judgment, and sincere advising of the Commander of the Faithful."

"Speak," said the Amîr.

"I cannot reveal it," answered Ibrahim, "if there be present another beside thee and me."

"Not even thy friend el-Hajjâj?" asked ʾAbd-el-Málik.

"No," said Ibrahîm.

"Leave us," said ʾAbd-el-Mâlik to el-Hajjâj. And the latter went out, reddening with anger, and not knowing whither he walked. And when he was gone ʾAbd-el-Málik said, "Declare thy advice."

Then Ibrahîm began: "O Commander of the Faithful! Thou—knowing of his tyranny, and