Page:Muhammad Diyab al-Itlidi - Historical Tales and Anecdotes of the Time of the Early Khalîfahs - Alice Frere - 1873.djvu/246

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the latter welcomed him, and invited him to be seated, and said, O ʾIkrimah! thou didst good to him by harming thyself!" Then he continued, "Write all thy wishes, and everything of which thou art in need, on a piece of paper." So he did this, and Sulaimân ordered the immediate accomplishment of them, and commanded ten thousand dinârs to be given to him, and two suits of clothes. Then he sent for the Wand of Office, and invested ʾIkrimah with the government of Mesopotamia and Armenia and Azarbijân, and said to him, "Khuzaimah's fate is in thy hands, whether thou wilt retain him, or whether thou wilt depose him." "Not so," said ʾIkrimah; "I would, O Commander of the Faithful! that he return to his government."

After this they departed from him in company, and continued to be Sulaimân's vicegerents so long as lasted his reign.

Allâh is all-knowing!