Page:Muhammad Diyab al-Itlidi - Historical Tales and Anecdotes of the Time of the Early Khalîfahs - Alice Frere - 1873.djvu/295

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circumambulate The House[1] before dawn. And he went out one night at that time, and whilst he was performing his Tawwâf, lo! he heard a voice which said, "O Allâh! I bewail to Thee the increase of corruption and depravity on the earth, and on his account who through covetousness comes between his people and their rights."

So el-Mansûr quickened his pace until he had filled his ears. Then he returned to the Bait-en-Nádwah, and said to the chief of his guard, "Verily a man is performing Tawwâf at The House. Bring him to me."

And the chief of the guard went out, and found a man at the el-Yémeny Corner,[2] and said to him, "The Commander of the Faithful wants thee." So the man went in to him, and el-Mansûr asked, "What

  1. One of the most important rites performed by pilgrims to Mekkah is the Tawwâf, or circumambulation of the Kaʾabah (House of God). Seven circumambulations complete one Tawwâf, and this is incumbent upon every pilgrim. But the greater the number of times it is performed, the greater his holiness. The hour Sahrâ, which I have translated "before dawn," is the time after the night, as reckoned by Muslims, has past, but before the morning star has risen. This is the hour generally chosen by persons of high rank for performing Tawwâf, as at that hour but few of the common pilgrims, who later in the day crowd to perform that rite, are present.
  2. The corner of the Kaʾabah facing the south.