Page:Muhammad Diyab al-Itlidi - Historical Tales and Anecdotes of the Time of the Early Khalîfahs - Alice Frere - 1873.djvu/313

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Then said the man, "O Commander of the Faithful! art thou heir to the Benu-ʾOmeyyah?"

"No," replied el-Mansûr.

"Then why," continued the man, "dost thou seek for information concerning those possessions of the Benu-ʾOmeyyah which are in my hands, if thou art neither their heir nor their executor?"

So el-Mansûr was silenced for a time, and then remarked, "Verily the Benu-ʾOmeyyah oppressed the people and forced money from the Muslims."

To this the man replied, "It is necessary, Commander of the Faithful, that eye-witnesses whom the judge can (by reason of their respectability) receive, should testify that the goods now in my possession did belong to the Benu-ʾOmeyyah, and that they are identical with what the Benu-ʾOmeyyah forced from the people. For surely the Commander of the Faithful is aware that the Benu-ʾOmeyyah had wealth of their own besides that which, according to the statement of the Commander of the Faithful, they forced from the Muslims."

So el-Mansûr reflected for a space, and presently said, "O Rabîià! the man has spoken the truth. We