Page:Muhammad Diyab al-Itlidi - Historical Tales and Anecdotes of the Time of the Early Khalîfahs - Alice Frere - 1873.djvu/76

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upon a camel, and said, 'Ho! ʾAmr.' I replied, 'At your service.' He asked, 'Wilt thou guard me whilst I lead the camel, or shall I guard thee whilst thou leadest her?' I replied, 'No; I will lead her, and thou shalt defend me.'

"So he threw me the camel's halter, and we journeyed until, behold! day dawned upon us. Then he said again, 'Ho! ʾAmr.' I replied, 'What is thy will?' He said, Turn round and look whether thou seest any one.' So I turned round, and I saw something like camels. And I said, 'I see camels.' He said, 'Quicken thy pace.' Presently he added, 'Ho! ʾAmr. Look again; and if they are few, courage and strength! for it will be Red Death, but if they are many there is nothing to fear.'

"So I turned round, and said, 'They are four or five.' Upon hearing which he said, 'Slacken thy pace.' And I did so. The he stopped and listened, and heard the footfall of the horses[1] already near. And he said,'Wait thou at the right-hand side of the road, O ʾAmr! and turn the heads of our animals towards the road.' And I did so. And

  1. In the dim light of early dawn, the mirage on the desert horizon would allow of horses being easily mistaken for camels.