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Date of foundation, City of Auckland | 18th September, 1840 |
Situation: | |
Longitude | East 174° 45′ |
Latitude | South 36° 51′ |
Climate: | |
Mean annual temperature | 58 degrees Fahr. |
Rainfall (average) | 43 inches |
Areas: | |
City (Municipal boundaries) | 7,844 acres |
Greater Auckland | 92.55 square miles |
Population (1921 census): | |
City | 81,712 |
City and suburbs | 157,757 |
Province | 369,618 |
Commerce: | |
Shipping, 1921—Inwards | 1,800,193 tons |
Outwards | 1,750,844 {{{1}}}„ |
Trade, 1920: | |
Exports | £9,383,603 |
Imports | £18,732,032 |
Harbour: | |
Area | 73 square miles |
Water frontage | 194 miles |
Berthing accommodation | 14,925 feet |
Mileage of City streets | 184 |
Tramways: | |
Route miles | 27 |