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Page:Municipal Handbook of Auckland 1922.djvu/68

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Schedule of charges for hire of Town Hall, Concert Chamber and Organ.

£ s. d. £ s. d.
 1. Daylight, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. 1 10 0  4  0 0
 2. Daylight, 2 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. 3  0 0  8  8 0
 3. Matinee for Celebrities 4  4 0 10 10 0
 4. Evening (Electric Light included), Mondays to Fridays (and Public Holidays when trams not running), 7.30 p.m. to 11 p.m. 5  0 0 18  0 0
 5. Saturdays, 7.30 to 11 p.m. 5 10 0 21  0 0
 6. Public Holidays, 7.30 to 11 p.m. when trams running 6  6 0 23  0 0
 7. Rehearsals (evening) in connection with engagements only, subject to Hall not being otherwise required. Partial lighting 3½ hours 1 10 0  5  0 0
 8. Daylight Rehearsals (morning or afternoon) 1  0 0  2  0 0
 9. When no charge for admission made, nor collection taken up (including Sundays), evening 3  3 0 10 10 0
10. When no charge for admission made, but collection taken up (including Sundays), evening 3  3 0 12 12 0
11. Receptions, At Homes, by daylight, no admission charge, no electric lighting 3  0 0  8  8 0
If electric light required (extra) 0 10 6  1  1 0
12. Local Artistes and Musical societies (only) allowed 15 per cent. reduction from above charges.
13. Strictly Charity Concerts. All personal services being without fee, and whole proceeds, if any, being devoted to Charitable object, 7.30 p.m. to 11 p.m. 3  3 0 10 10 0
When personal services are paid for, and balance of proceeds devoted to Chartity 3  3 0 12 12 0
14. Bazaars, Exhibitions, Flower Shows, or other Similar engagements, necessitating the use of the Town Hall during the whole day and evening, until not later than 11 p.m., including 4 hours lighting 5 10 0 15  0 0
Hall must be vacated not later than noon the day following the closing of engagement, or half usual charge additional paid.