To be a Christian means to follow Christ. And Christ Himself has said: "If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, take up his cross, and follow Me."
Spiritual joy — joy in the Lord — is the portion of those who are living in the state of grace, who love God and are faithful in the observances of His commandments. Fidelity in this respect, however, implies self-restraint and self-denial.
Alexander conquered the world, but he did not conquer himself. In a fit of intemperance he slew his best friend.
Napoleon made himself master of all Europe and played with its kingdoms; but he failed to master himself. Yielding to violent anger, he acted at times like a madman, who knows not what he does. "The patient man is better than the valiant, and he that ruleth his spirit better than he that taketh cities" (Prov. xvi. 32).
My Prayer-Book aims to emphasize the fact that while being good we can enjoy in many ways this beautiful world which God has made for us, and which is truly a mirror of His own beauty and perfections; it aims to inculcate the lessons of nature; how all its beauties reflect the greatness and loving kindness of the Creator and should draw us to love our good God with a grateful heart.
"The heavens show forth the glory of God, and the firmament declareth the work of His hands" (Ps. xviii. 1).