whose "goodness and kindness hath appeared to all men" whose "lips are as lilies dropping choice myrrh" whose ministry of mercy and good cheer extended to the greatest sinners, and of whom Isaias the Prophet foretold: "The bruised reed He shall wot break and smoking flax He shall not extinguish."
One word more, with regard to the various Methods of Assisting at Mass. We call the reader's particular attention to the explanatory Note which precedes the first set of Prayers for Mass. Our purpose in the arrangement of these Mass Devotions was to lead pious souls to the use of meditation while assisting at the Holy Sacrifice, that is, to combine mental prayer with vocal prayer. Another object was, to popularize the habit of making use of indulgenced ejaculations, especially for the benefit of the poor souls in purgatory. All the indulgenced prayers in this book are found in the "New Raccolta," except those of recent date, which have not yet been incorporated in that work.
With the most profound sentiments of love and devotion to the Holy Family, we humbly and reverently dedicate this little volume to Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, to the end that it may, under their patronage, be a means of glorifying God and sanctifying souls.
F. X. Lasance.
Cincinnati, Ohio,
May 24, 1908.