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other Scriptures here. I was seized with a passion to learn the Upanishads, etc., from him. Now let me write what I have done during all this time.

My work with respect to my craving for knowledge which kept me out so long:

Study of (1) the Upanishads, (2) the Gita, (3) Brabmasutra Shankarbbashya, (4) Mansusmriti, and (5) Patanjali Yogadarshan. I went through, besides, (1) Nyayasutra, (2) Vaisheshiksutra and (3) Yajnavalkyasmriti. My desire to study our religious books has now been fully gratified. I can now read whatever I want to in Sanskrit without any extraneous aid.

Then about the recuperation of health for which I went to Wai. I had made it a rule to walk ten to twelve miles. Then began grinding 6 to 8 seers (12 to 15 Ibs) cereals with a hand-mill. At present I do 300 namaskars and take a walk every day for physical exercise. This has improved my health.

Regarding my diet: I have never taken other condiments, but, for the first six months I used to take salt. | am now on a saltless and spiceless diet. I have started taking milk. Many experiments proved that I cannot go without milk. But my desire to give it up, if possible, persists. For a month, I had nothing but milk, lemon and bananas, but I found that I was getting _ weak. This is my present diet: Milk 1 lbs., jowar chapattis 2, bananas 4 or 5, lemon I, when available. When I come to the Ashram, I intend to regulate my diet on your advice. I am not tempted by any other food for the sake of its taste only. All the same, I cannot help feeling that my present diet is rather too luxurious. My daily expense over food, item by item is about: bananas and lemon 4 pice, chapattis 2, milk 5, total 11. I want to know from you what changes I should make. You will please write to me.

Other things done:

Took classes in (1) the Gita. Free tuition to six students of the whole gospel with full exposition of the verses. (2) Jnaneshwari (a big Marathi exposition on the Gita by Jananesh- war), 6 chapters, 4 students attended. (3) 9 Upanishads to two

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