29th April, 1990 My dear Pranav,
Vinoba connected the old spiritual traditions like bhakti to modern times. This approach of finding out similarities and common bonds was one of his liflong missions. He found in the Gita this idea fulfilled. He called it “abbidheyam param samyam.” to see the ultimate equality in everything as the message of Brahman.
When Dharmaraja reached at last the gates of heaven, there was only a dog with him. Bhima, Arjuna and the others had fallen by the way side. He was told at the gate: “You can come in, but the dog is not allowed to enter.” Dharmaraja replied, “If my dog cannot enter, neither will I.” One who performs devoted service, even if only a dog, is superior to those who are always thinking of themselves. The dog proved its superiority over Bhim and Arjuna, who could not make it to the gates of heaven. No matter what sort of a person one is, if one goes into the presence of God, one becomes worthy of honour. No matter what sort of wood is thrown into the fire, it will glow. Bhakti is the wonderful means for attaining Him.
Those who plead, at a kbadi caxhibition, to the people to come in, say, “Do come in and have a look. Look at the fine texture, the bright colours, the beautiful patterns.” Khadi provides work for millions who will otherwise have to go to sleep on empty stomachs. This message of God reaches the people once they enter Kbadi exhibitions. This Bhakti for the common good illuminates the minds of people. They get connected to the community around them.
Vinoba commends such an attitude in a bhakta [1]. He has said, he was once travelling in a train, passing over a bridge across the Jamuna. A passenger sitting next to him flung with
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