loose their flexibility and capacity to grow. nied See Sas are continually replacing and changing themselves. They retain their strength. There is no other way for groups of people to remain agile and relevant.
With love,
Yours, L.N. Godbole
Ist July, 1990 My dear Pranay,
After the power and purpose of disseminating ideas is discussed, Vinoba turris his attention to Sarvodaya Samaj which in his view was the Strongest entity. “Sarvodaya Samaj will not be an. organisation at all. It will be a fellowship of those who believe in the power of the idea. We do not want to create merely a disciplined group. We must, work to make it more fruitful of ideas and more ready to accept ideas as the basis of living.” (1)
Pranav, have you noticed that whenever Vinoba. states anything he uses the plural. He believed that in ancient India all the thinking was done as individuals. He wanted to implant the idea of thinking together as a S8roup. In the Koran, it is said that saints work with mutual consultations, “Amra Hum Shoora Bain Hum" (Koran). This has an echo in the Bhagvadgita as well. “Maishila Madgatah Pranah Bodhayant-parasparam (Bhagvadgita 10.9). This fellowship concept is Vinoba’s fusion of ideas from ancient religions.
Together with this fellowship of believers in the power of the idea, Vinoba wanted complete decentralisation of decision- making powers. Decentralisation is a very basic idea in Hindu civilisation. Even God becomes gods and gets decentralised in
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