8th July, 1990 dear Pranav, :
My Vinoba had a strong belief in the strength of words, in the
strength of ideas. He was not much in favour of erealing
institutions or structures. He did not set much store by the capacity
of governments to bring about changes in society.
He believed that a person inspired by an idea can be a change agent. He can create his temporary structure, use it and discard it when the time comes. He wanted Sarvodaya workers to be on the move, open to new ideas and capable of changing themselves. His greatest attraction was for the formless, structure- less realm of ideas. After all, that is what Brabman is all about. Each one has to search on his own for Brahman.
Vinoba often quoted Kakasaheb Kalelkar, another con- temporary and leading Gujarati author equally at home in Marathi, who once said that A-Sarkari (non-governmental) work alone is Asarkari (effective). He believed in voluntary action of the people. He wanted Sarvodaya people to spread out, move and sprout throughout the length and breadth of India. “This work of ours is not of a sectarian nature. We should not even call ourselves ’the Sarvodaya G also gives a wrong impression. Let us th human-beings and nothing else. Otherwise, Samaj, with all its freedom from institutio) little become a sect,
roup’, because that ink of ourselves as even this Sarvodaya nalism, will little by in which we wil be low our tongues to slip ‘congresswala’ or ‘sarvoday-
a narrow group separated from others. Let us never al
find them useful. But we belong to no Party. We are ‘the third power’... the third power (is) the power which is
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