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action itself was considered a great change from the tradition.

Women’s Lib became a fashion and cult in America and Europe in the 1960s. It came to India in the 70s, and a lot of imitation has taken place in India. Burning bras, walking naked in the street and crying hoarse about womens’ rights and womens’ liberation (Stree Mukti) a rage of the day.

It was Vinoba who broke the barriers of womens’ spiritual liberation. He did not believe in Stree Mukti (Womens’ Liberation). Liberation from what? From whom? In a society where the family is still a very strong base of the social fabric, this liberation is basically upper-class talk. Vinoba wanted women to realise their power (Shakti) and he called this idea, awakening of women’s power (Stree Shakti Jagaran). He believed in empow- ering women, making them aware of their own strength. He was not satisfied with small actions of defiance. He wanted them to realise their own power, and use it constructively. He wanted some woman to be the second Shankaracharya.

The great influence of Vinoba’s mother on his mind is very clear in all his life-time work. He translated the Gita into Marathi in the simplest form. That book, Gitai, is the largest selling book in Marathi. Vinoba did it for his mother, as she did not know Sanskrit. In all his speeches, there are several instances of his own develop- ment,and of his mother’s influence on him, He was in favour of Stree Saktias a Matri Sakti He wanted spiritual salvation and self-realisa- tion as a goal for women, through nurturing Matri. Sakti.

Even in education, Vinoba said, that the mother is the best

_ teacher next to God. As Lord Krishna wanted “Matr hasten bho- janam” (feeding by mother's hand) as the highest boon, Vinoba advocated “Matr mukben-jnanam” (education through the mother). People very rarely note this spiritual attainment for women as a group, as Vinoba’s innovation. It has come into existence without noise or oppostion, just as the blade of grass grows. It does not make any noise in the process. But it does a lot of good for all living things.

With love,

Yours, L.N. Godbole

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