visit to London, 338-41;
tour in Denmark, 342-47;
decorated by the King of Denmark, 344;
the supper in Copenhagen, and toast of Baron Magnus, 345-47;
farewell reception in Paris, 347-48;
"The Twenty-eight Days of Sarah Bernhardt," 348-49;
contract with M. Bertrand signed, 349-50;
experiences on board ship from Hâvre to New York, 352-60;
her fête day on board, 359-60;
arrival in New York, 361-67;
the New York reporters, 367-68;
visit to Mr. Edison, 376-79;
arrival in Boston and story of the whale, 381-87;
reception in Montreal, 388-93;
visit to the Iroquois, 393-94;
escapade on the St. Lawrence, 396-97;
welcome to Chicago, 399-400;
visit to the stock-*yards, 400-41;
visit to the grotto of St. Louis, 402-3;
the incident of the jewellery exhibition and attempted train robbery, 403-8;
opinions concerning capital punishment, 408-13;
the crossing to New Orleans, 414-16;
difficulties of playing in Mobile, 418-420;
journey from Springfield to Chicago, blocked by the snow, 421-22;
a visit to the Falls of Niagara, 427-32;
the professional matinée in New York, 433-34;
the return journey, 433-38;
the welcome at Hâvre 438-40
American Tour—
Baltimore, 399;
Boston, Hernani, 384;
Chicago, Phèdre, 401;
Milwaukee, Froufrou and La Dame aux Camélias, 422;
Montreal, Hernani, 395;
New York, Adrienne Lecouvreur, Froufrou, etc., 374;
Philadelphia, Phèdre, 399;
Pittsburg, La Princesse Georges, 426;
Springfield, La Dame aux Camélias, 398
Comédie Française—
Andromaque, 249;
L'Aventurière, 331-34;
La Belle Paule, 254;
Britannicus, 248-49;
Dalila, 249;
L'Etrangère, 272-75;
La Fille de Roland, 266-68;
Gabrielle, 269;
Hernani, 282;
Iphigénie, 90-97;
Mlle. de Belle-Isle, 245-48;
Le Mariage de Figaro, 249;
Mithridate, 291;
Phèdre, 249, 264-66;
Rome Vaincue, 279;
Ruy Blas, 291;
Le Sphinx, 251-54;
Zaï*re, 254-56
Denmark, Tour in—
Brussels, Adrienne Lecouvreur and Froufrou, 342;
Copenhagen, Adrienne Lecouvreur and Froufrou, 343-44
London, the Gaiety Theatre—
Adrienne Lecouvreur, 339;
L'Etrangère, 310-13, 320;
Froufrou, 339-40;
Phèdre, 305-8;
Zaïre, 315
Odéon Theatre—
L'Affranchi, 150;
Athalle, 126;
L'Autre, 150;
Le Bâtard, 150;
La biche au bois, 119-22;
François le Champi, 128;
Jean Marie, 150, 224-225;
Le jeu de l'amour et du hasard, 125;
Kean, 130-31;
La loterie du mariage, 131;
Le Marquis de Villemer, 128;
Ruy Blas, 226-30;
Le testament de César, 130
"Palm Sunday," 292;
"The Young Girl and Death," 282-83
Busts: Alphonse de Rothschild, 257;
Miss Multon, 257;
Mlle. Hocquigny, 257;
Régina Bernhardt, 257-58;
Group, "After the Storm," 251, 275-78, 315
"Bernhardtists," the, at the Comédie, 252-254
Berton, Pierre, 131, 329, 338
Bertrand, M, Eugène, director of the Variétés, 349-50
Bismarck, Prince, 186, 346
Bloas, Désiré, 185
Bocher, Emmanuel, 191-92
Bois de Boulogne, 304
Booth, actor, 354
Booth's Theatre, New York, 369, 373
Bornier, Henri de, 266-68, 351
Sarah Bernhardt's impressions, 380-381;
the women of, 381, 385;
story of the whale, 381-87
Bouilhet*, M., 129;
Dolores, 104;
Mlle. Aissé, 325
Boulevard Medicis, ambulance of, 174
Bourbaki, M., defence of Paris, 165
Bourg de Batz, 259
Boyer, Georges, 179, 438
Brabender, Mlle. de—
Governess to Sarah Bernhardt, 45;
at the family council, 48-55;
accompanies her mistress to the Comédie Française, 56-58, 98;
first lessons in elocution, 61-63;
accompanies Sarah Bernhardt to the Conservatoire, 65-72, 79, 82-84, 88;
the embroidered hand-*kerchief, 91;
death of, 124-25
Bradford, 427
Bressant, M.—
At the Comédie, 102;
in Mlle. de Belle-Isle, 245-48, 337;
in Hernani, 281;
benefit performance for, 291
Britannicus, 57, 248-49
Brittany, visit of Sarah Bernhardt, 259-64
Brohan, Augustine, 68-69
Madeleine, 245;
her advice to Sarah Bernhardt, 318-19
Marie, 245
Brooklyn Bridge, 372
Brussels, 211;
Sarah Bernhardt's impressions, 342
Buffalo, 422, 426, 427
Buguet, Louise, 28-31
Marie, 28
Busigny, 211
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