Page:My Life and Loves.djvu/241

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so pretty that no wonder a man wants to kiss you: you must blame your lovely eyes and mouth"—

Rose laughed outright: she had come expecting reproof and found sweet flattery.

"There's only one thing, Rose", I went on: "the story would hurt Mrs. Kellogg if it got out and she's not very strong, so you must say nothing about it, for her sake: that's what Professor Smith wanted to say to you", I added. "I'm not likely to tell", cried Rose: "I'll soon forget all about it: but I guess I'd better get another job: he's liable to try again though I gave him a good hard slap", and she laughed merrily.

"I'm so glad for Mrs. Kellogg's sake", said Smith gravely, "and if I can help you to get another place, please call upon me".

"I guess I'll have no difficulty", said Rose flippantly with a shade of dislike of the Professor's solemnity: "Mrs. Kellogg will give me a good character" and the healthy young minx grinned; "besides I'm not sure but I'll go stay home a spell: I'm fed up with working and would like a holiday, and mother wants me—"

"Where do you live, Rose?" I asked with a keen eye for future opportunities; "On the other side of the river", she replied, "next door to Elder Conklin's, where your brother boards—"she added smiling.

When Rose went I begged Smith to pack his boxes for I would get him the best room at the Gregory's and I assured him it was really large and comfortable and would hold all his books, etc., and off I went to make my promise good. On the way I set myself to think how I could turn the kindness I was doing the Gregorys to the advantage of my love. I decided to make Kate a partner in the good deed, or at least a herald of the good news. So when I got home I