Page:My Life and Loves.djvu/340

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from me on the morrow. I wanted to know what she would think of the books and cape. The last thing I saw of her was her hand raised as if in benediction.

I kept the Sunday morning for Sommerfeld and my friend Will Thompson and the rest of the day for Sophy.

Sommerfeld came to the office before nine and told me the firm owed me three thousand dollars: I didn't wish to take it; could not believe he had meant to go halves with me but he insisted and paid me.

"I don't agree with your sudden determination," he said, "perhaps because it was sudden; but I've no doubt you'll do well at anything you take up. Let me hear from you now and again and if you ever need a friend, you know where to find me!"

As we shook hands I realised that parting could be as painful as the tearing asunder of flesh.

Will Thompson, I found, was eager to take over the hoardings and my position in Liberty Hall; he had brought his father with him and after much bargaining I conveyed everything I could, over to him for three thousand five hundred dollars, and so after four year's work I had just the money I had had in Chicago four years earlier!

I dined in the Eldridge House and then went back to the office to meet Sophy who was destined to surprise me more even than Lily or Kose: "I'm coming with you," she announced coolly, "if you're not ashamed to have me along; you goin' Frisco,—so far anyway—" she pleaded divining my surprise and unwillingness.

"Of course, I'll be delighted," I said, "but—" I simply could not refuse her.

She gurgled with joy and drew out her purse: "I've four hundred dollars", she said proudly, "and that'll take this child a long way".