Page:My Life in Two Hemispheres, volume 2.djvu/409

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Lang, Rev. Dr., ii. 145, 344

Latrobe, Mr., ii. 110

Lawless, John, i. 45, 46 note, 60, ii. 89

Lefanu, Joseph, i. 59 note, 70, note 91, 202, 216

Lemoinne, M. John, i. 269, 270

Leonard, J. P., ii. 353

Lever, Charles, i. 70, 91 note, ii. 100

Leyne, Maurice, i. 322, ii. 9, 21; his death, 88

Linton, W. J., ii. 53

Lover, Samuel, i. 89, ii. 103

Lowe, Robert, ii. 109, 116, 237; letter from, 238, 262 et seq.

Luby, Thomas Clarke, i. 71 note, 315 note

Lucas, Frederick, i. 77, 134, 140-1 note; letter to John O' Hagan, 208, 229, 251 note, ii. 27-9, 35 et seq., 43-8, 55, 63-6 note, 91 et seq.; his mission to Rome, and breakdown of health, 91-6 et seq.; difference of opinion between him and C. G. D., 101-2; last letter to C. G. D., 103; death of, 123, 173, 267, 276

Lytton, Bulwer, ii. 96, 125, 355, 376


MacCarthy, Denis Florence, i. 71, 96, 128 note, 137, ii. 253, 265, 351

MacCarthy, John George, ii. 9

Macaulay, Lord, i. 52, 65 note, 72, 88 note, 302, 306

MacCormic, Dr. Henry, i. 52

MacDermott, Martin, i. 251, 278

MacDermott of Coulavin, letter from, ii. 381

MacHale, Archbishop, letter to C. G. D. from, ii. 189-90

Mackay, Captain, trial of, i. 306-7

Mackay, Mr. Angus, ii. 376

MacKenzie, Morell, ii. 361

MacMahon, Heber, Bishop of Clogher, i. 14

MacMahon, Judith, maternal grandmother of C. G. D., flung a petition for the Union into the fire, i. 3

MacMahon, Marshal, ii. 353

MacMahon, Patrick, M.P., i. 59 note; ii. 43, 58, 187

MacManus, Henry, i. 12, 14, 24; takes me to see the Hogarths in Charlemont House, and other works of art in Dublin, 29, 58, 74

MacManus, Terence Belle w, i. 12, 24; Sunday rambles with, 29, 32 note, 278, 322; ii. 25, 75, 190; letter to C. G. D. from, 190

Macnamara, John, ii. 143, and note

MacNevin, Thomas, i. 76; his History of the Volunteers of 1782, 89; letter to C. G. D., 115, 126, 150

MacPherson, Mr., ii. 301-2-3, 323

Madden, Dr., i. 91 note, ii. 2 note, 125

Maddyn, D. O., i. 194, 218

Maguire, Father Tom, i. 38

Maguire, John Francis, ii. 43

Maher, Father, ii. 63

Mahon, O'Gorman, i. 69, 94, 202

Mahony, Rev. Francis (Father Prout), ii. 95; letter from, 282-3

Mangan, Clarence, Saturday nights with, i. 35; his stupendous rhymes, 35; his life made desolate, 36; letter from, 55, 56, 64, 90, 91 note, 137, 224; letters from, 224 et seq., ii. 25, 351

Manning, Archbishop, ii. 354

Martin, James (later Sir), ii. 142, 178, letter from 239-40, 326 and note, 327-8, 346

Martin, John, i. 115, letter from to C. G. D., 120-1-2, 129 note, 177-8, 188; his confidence in the Ulster Presbyterians, 269, 278 and note, 282-3, 286, 292, 302-8, 324, 330, ii. 25, 73 et seq., 81, 346, 363

Mathew, Fr., i. 53, 55, 65-6-7; letter from, 67; letter from, 124, 181, 309, 310, 314; letter from, 318, ii. 73

Maunsell, Dr., i. 70

Maynooth Professor, see Rev. Dr. Murray

McCarthy, J. J., ii. 117, letter from, 253, 265, 311; letter from, 348

McCarthy, Justin, i. 71 note, 130 note

McCormack, Widow, ii. 114

McCullogh, James (later Sir), ii. 163;

McCullogh, Sellars and Co., large station holders, 290, 296 et seq., 303-5, letter from, 315-6, 334~5 341

McEvoy, James, letter from, ii. 211

McGlashan, James, i. 194, 218, 223-5, 227, 230

McGrath, Mr. John, ii. 21-3

McKenna, Joseph Neale, (afterwards Sir), ii. 20-2, 351

McSweeny, Lord Mayor, ii. 364

Meagher, Thomas Francis, i. 128, 156, 162, 165, 167; the sword speech, 172; his arguments de-