one side and the other from the opposite side, symbolic of the state of mind of one who is listening to two adversaries talking together, with the intention of profiting from the ideas er meaning of those who are well-posted on the question from both sides without giving the decision to either one. Ah! Those two ears so agile and delicate, that gather simultaneously hundreds of different sounds, near and far, imperceptible to the human hearing! How many intriguing busy-bodies would like to have them!
Oh, yes! even those two dusky spots, which break the white of his hair, like two stains of coffee on a table cloth, remind me of those masses of loud colour which the clowns of the circus have on their backs to amuse the crowds of children, and even those two postmarks which seem as if nature had put them across his back, and at the root of his tail, for a joke, always rouse up in me, I do not know what boyish cheerfulness, silly and serene, when I think that he does not know that he has them. Even the porter's boy was surprised to see them the day that we took Dick out of the bath in his presence.