West, who came forward in their quiet and modest ways to enter a protest against the revocation of the Mission. Chief among them were my life-long friend, the Rev. J. H. Twichell, and Rev. John W. Lane, through whose persistent efforts Presidents Porter and Seelye, Samuel Clemens, T. F. Frelinghuysen, John Russell Young and others were enlisted and brought forward to stay the work of retrogression of the part of the Chinese. The protest was couched in the most dignified, frank and manly language of President Porter of Yale and read as follows:
To The Tsung Li Yamun
Office for Foreign Affairs.
“The undersigned, who have been instructors,
guardians and friends of the students who were
sent to this country under the care of the Chinese
Educational Commission, beg leave to represent:
“That they exceedingly regret that these young men have been withdrawn from the country, and that the Educational Commission has been dissolved.
“So far as we have had opportunity to observe, and can learn from the representations of others,