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of, real cause of Taiping rebellion, 119; see also Graft.

Chinese in St. Helena, 22.

Chinkiang, river port, 83.

Christianity, views held by Taiping rebels, 101; spread of as led by Hung Siu Chune, 117; see also Taiping rebellion.

Christy, Thomas, 156.

Chu Chow, headquarters of Viceroy Tsang Kwoh Fan, 164.

Chung Hou, viceroy of Metropolitan province, held responsible for Tsientsin massacre, 178.

Chung Wong, issues three orders against incendiarism, 104.

Clemens, Samuel, protest against breaking up of Chinese Educational Commission, 211.

Colton's Geography, translated by Yung Wing, 167.

Coolie traffic in Cuba, investigated by Chin Lan Pin, 194; results, 196.

Coolie traffic in Peru, attempt to form treaty with China, 193; Yung Wing's recital of existing cruelties and refusal to further treaty, 193; investigation by Yung Wing, 194; attitude of Commission, 195; results, 196.

Cuba, Coolie traffic in, 194, 196.

Cutler, Carrol, president of Western Reserve College, 255.

"Deliberative Association of China," 241.

Dent and Co., Messrs., 77.

Dialect, of Canton, 52; Fuhkien, Anhui, Kiangsee, 53.

Dictionary, First Anglo-Chinese, compiled by Dr. Robert Morrison, 14, 114.

Dictionary of Emperor Khang Hsi, translated, 114.

Doxology, The, repeated by Commandant Liu and Taiping rebels, 99.

Dowager Empress Chi Hsi, Tsang Kwoh Fan created duke by, 147; on side of Li Hung Chang in war with Japan (1894-'95), 226; affected by graft, 235; despotic rule over Emperor Kwang Su, 239; also 73.

Dumaresque, Captain, of ship Florence, 62.

Dynasties in China, Number of, 113.

East India Company, 22.

East Windsor, Conn., 25.

"Elegant talent," interpretation of Siu Tsai, 50.

Eureka, sailing ship, story of voyage from New York to Hong Kong (1854–'55), 43; also 63, 69.

European powers and partitionment of China, 73.

Evangelization of China, False impressions of, caused by Christian tendencies of Taiping rebellion, 120.

Exploitation of Chinese by officials, one cause of Taiping rebellion, 119.

Extra-territorial basis, Foreign settlement on, 72.

Feudatory period, 113.

Fitchburg, Mass., supplies first American machinery to China, 53; see also Machinery.

Florence, sailing ship, 62.

Formosa, Island of, plan to mortgage (1894), 225, 244; visited by Yung Wing, 242.

Frelinghuysen, T. F., protest against breaking up of Chinese Educational Commission, 211.

Friend of China, Shanghai local paper, 76.

Fuhkien, province, Dialect of, 53.