Page:My neighbours (IA myneighbours00evaniala).pdf/45

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According to the Pattern

wood, white shirts, and thorns; of the throng that would arise from the burial-ground, in which there were more graves than molehills in the shire. He cried against the heathenism of the Church, the wickedness of Church tithes, and against ungodly book-prayers and short sermons.

Early Ben entered College Carmarthen, where his piety—which was an adage—was above that of any student. Of him this was said: "White Jesus bach is as plain on his lips as the snout of a big sow."

Brightness fell upon him. He had a name for the tearfulness and splendour of his eloquence. He could conduct himself fancifully: now he was Pharoah wincing under the plagues, now he was the Prodigal Son hungering at the pigs' trough, now he was the Widow of Nain rejoicing at the recovery of her son, now he was a parson in Nineveh squirming under the tongue of Jonah; and his hearers