Page:My people stories of the peasantry of West Wales.djvu/69

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kins. “I will say about the wedding, man, when you bring me Beca’s words.”

“Shinkins! Shinkins!”

“Leave you me half a hundred of pounds of Sara Jane’s portion and I’ll stand by my agreement.”

“Joking he is, William Shinkins. Deal well we will by Sara Jane on the day of her wedding.”

William Shinkins spoke presently. “I am not a man to go back on my promise to Sara Jane,” he said. “And am I not one of respect?”

Simon went home and gave thanks unto God Who had imparted understanding to the heart of William Jenkins. But folks in Manteg declared that designing men crossed the river in the search of females to wed. Sara Jane was no longer ashamed. She went about and abroad and wore daily the boots from which she had taken out the hobnails.

On the appointed day the fly came to