Page:Myths of Mexico and Peru.djvu/485

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Knuc (Palace of Owls). Ruin at Aké, 186

Kuicatecs. Aboriginal Mexican race, 24; a medium through which Maya civilisation filtered to the north, 147

Kukulcan. Maya form of Quetzalcoatl, 83, 167; regarded as King of Mayapan, 152

Kumsnöotl. God of the Salish Indians, 83


Lamacazton (Little Priests). Lowest order of the Aztec priesthood, 116

Landa, Bishop. And the Maya alphabet, 161; discovers the Maya numeral system, 165

"Lands of the Sun." Name given to Inca territories, 308

Language. Mexican or Nahuan, 42-43, 342; Mayan, 161, 342; Peruvian, 342

Le Plongeon, Dr. Augustus. His theories as to the Maya, 239; and the Maya hieroglyphs, 239; his story of Queen Móo, 239-247

Leguicano, Mancio Serra de. And the golden plate from the Coricancha, 262

Liyobaa. Village near Mitla; mentioned by Father Burgoa, 204

Lizana, Father. And the prophecy of Chilan Balam, 8

Llama. Importance of, among the Incas, 268

Lloque Yupanqui. The third Inca, 283

Lorillard. Maya city; architectural remains found at, 195


Macuilxochitl (or Xochipilli) (Five-Flower, Source of Flowers). God of luck in gaming, 103; Ixtlilton called brother of, 112

Madoc. The legend of, 5, 6

Mahacutah (The Distinguished Name). One of the first men of the ‘‘Popol Vuh’’ myth, 229, 230

Maize-gods. Mexican, 85-91; Peruvian, 295

Mallinalcas. Aztec tribe, 233

Mama Oullo Huaca. Wife of Manco Ccapac, 256

Mama-cocha (Mother-sea). Conception under which the Peruvians worshipped the sea, 306

Mamacota. Name given to Lake Titicaca by people of the Collao, 298

Mamacuna. Matrons who had charge of the Acllacuna, in Peru, 313

Mamapacha (or Pachamama). The Peruvian earth-goddess, 303

Mamas (Mothers). Tutelary spirits of the maize and other plants in Peru, 295

Mames. District in Guatemala, 158

Man of the Sun. Quetzalcoatl as, 81; other conceptions of, 82

Manco. The Inca appointed by Pizarro; and an oracle, 302-303

Manco Ccapac. I. Divine being, son of the Life-giver; sent to instruct the primitive Peruvians, 255-256; a legend in connection with, 256. II. The first Inca, identical with the foregoing, 282, 283; regarded as son of the sun, 306; a myth of, 320-321

Mani. Mexican city, founded by the Tutul Xius, 155

Mannikins. In the Kiche story of the creation related in the Popol Vuh, 209-210

Markham, Sir Clements. On Inca architecture, 269

Matlatzincas. Aztec tribe, 233

Maxtla. I. King of the Tecpanecs; and Nezahualcoyotl, 125-128. II. A noble; in the story of the vicious princess, 130

Maya. The most highly civilised of ancient American peoples, I,